Inside Amy Schumer is no more!

56  2016-08-18 by duranfarbissina


Yeah motherfuckers! We win! We always win!

Scott Army, nigga

We should all pitch in for a billboard next to her house. It could say "Ms. Schumer, The Pests Win. You Lose. Good Day, Ma'am! - The Opie and Jimmy Army, Commemorating the Pat Battle of Schumer Town."

Can we not call ourselves "pests" though

We're "Knuckleheads"


Shut up pest

is CC cleaning house of all the SJW trash? First Larry Wilmore now this.

If there's any bit of justice in the world, CC's next announcement will be that a show with Colin Quinn is in the works.

Jim Morton with a small part that ends up on the cutting room floor.

Nothing will get those lucrative 18-34 year old eyes back on CC like a dude in his mid-50's.

considering their highest rated shows 2 years ago was from Jon Stewart and South Park and Key and Peele.

so 1 show by a guy in his mid 50s and 2 shows by guys in their mid 40s.

Fair enough.

Besides South Park and the Daily Show, 3 seasons seems to be the average half-life on CC.

That said, good job, boys. Thank you for your shervish.

God, I'm in awe of how much control South Park has over CC. They saved the channel by choosing to be on their station in the 90s and now they are the only thing keeping them afloat.

Matt and Trey could ask for just about any amount of money on any terms they want and they would have to give it to them to survive.

It is impressive, and I bet tons of creators would kill to have their kind of relationship with a network.

Fuck CC for cancelling That's My Bush though. I needed that show until 2008.

pretty much, i can only thing of like 7 shows that lasted longer. South Park, Tosh, Daily Show, Keey and Pelle, Reno 911, Colbert Report, workaholics

Reno 911 is one of those shows you never missed 'til it was gone.



While @Midnight is kind of lame, it seems like the perfect show for the timeslot. It's fast paced for channel flippers, and if it builds a following, it's name pretty much forces execs to not try it in a better time slot, then cancel it. If it was Hardwick's idea, it was brilliant, because it'll be able to run forever, it takes very little effort to make, the guests generate the humor, and having any following at all makes it better than whatever movie they'd show.

i watched one with norton, was kinda cool to see him being competitively funny.............fawkin killd it to

Viacom fired most of it's executives. Top to bottom.

"You have no effect on our lives"

I like that weve just went ahead and took complete credit for her shitty show not being renewed for another season

Well it was renewed for a 5th season on January 6th. The joke thieving video went viral on January 20th. Credit deserved.

Are you guys seriously so up your own ass you think you are responsible for canceling the show?

--------> r/cringe

It was this sub that got the joke thief ball rolling, so we atleast helped. People here put out multiple videos that were picked up by all sorts of "news" sites. People weren't accusing her of thieving before that, then there were theft allegations all over her youtube videos.

Fucking please. The ratings dropped just like they do for every comedy central sketch show after a couple of seasons.

Shuttup faggot I'm done with you.

So you realized you are wrong and you are too much of a pussy to just admit it. log off

Did you not read that last message? Are you too stupid to look through the timeline of when she was accused of theft the night of her Apollo special, then look at when the videos were made, then look at her tanking popularity? Do some research, you lazy queer.

/u/dassabessdoe: You're talking to a Danny Ross account.

It's a three year old account, or is it meant to be impersonating that pile of useless shit?

It's gotta be one of DR's shell accounts. I'm sure he was on reddit 3 years ago.

we are pretty impressive, if you think about it.

That's not what you mean you backpedaling imbecile.

Is it because the last season was unwatchable and embarrassing, or is she too busy?

The ratings also tanked.

The MOST WATCHED episode couldn't even PULL IN 800k viewers. It was no SCORCH'S "PFG-TV".

Hmm... I'm inclined to believe the former.

The latter. She found one of 'em all you can eats.

She didn't want to face taking that lie detector test

I love how she says that like we all understood that her show was canceled, you implied Kurt was fired in that first tweet you shady cunt.

Not to be a faggot but I am involuntarily weeping tears of pure joy right now

no, that really is to be a faggot

I also wept a tear. Of pre-cum. My dick stood up when I realised there was a bitch around. You just wait till lights-out buddy.

The rest of our pals will be in for quite a surprise when they wake up tomorrow!

Once they were under the microscope for joke thievery they could no longer steal other shows' skits and premises. What a shame.

This day is the gift that keeps on giving.

I keep thinking that this place is running out of steam and then something always happens to jumpstart its shriveled black heart back to life. I'm embarrassed by how much faggoty joy I get out of this place.

It really is the only good part of the internet left.

Thank you for your cervix.

That's the title of her next book! I can picture the cover now--We're looking up at a 300+lbs Amy in Navy Seal fatigues, rappelling from a helicopter, but her pants are ripped across the crotch, revealing her mangey, pixelated vagina. Bestseller.

Oh wow.

Either she got too busy for it or her ratings didn't justify the enormous (lol) cost.

Most of that on the craft services!

Where am I supposed to hear the word "vagina" over and over again now?

Nikky Glasier's show probably has a couple weeks left.

She probably means they haven't starting writing the next season yet. There is no fucking way we're lucky enough to be rid of Wilmore and Schumer in the same week.

Ratings for her show last season were dogshit as I recall, so you might be in for a surprise.

I would still think he would technically "work on her show" during its off season, are people really not employed by comedy central just because the show is between seasons?

Not really though. The Writers Guild, and other TV unions have very specific rules about hours worked and pay periods, resulting in writing "seasons" and breaks. When you hear that a TV writer makes X a week, that typically doesn't refer to 52 weeks a year. Sure, he could be working on sketches and jokes between seasons, but isn't technically employed or paid at the time.

Even the head writer? Well, bummer. So her show likely still exists?

Even the head writer. Technically CC renewed the show for a fifth season in January, before the fourth season even premiered. But that doesn't mean it will happen. These long term renewals are not always iron-clad. Often they're tendered when a show is popular and the producers want a level of commitment from the studio in order to develop stories or character (less applicable in sketch than dramas or mysteries, but still). One thing CC cited in their renewal press release 8 months ago was that although the ratings were mediocre, the show had a hot "viral factor". The same virus that later exposed her shittiness, then fell off the map. Even if CC is committed, I wouldn't be surprised if Schumer walked away. She has to know that the show has deteriorated and is a sinking ship, and that it's better to walk away and try something new. In that respect, she's in the same boat as Jim Norton.

I bet the video comparisons of Amy's parallel thinking habits had at least something to do with the shitty ratings and death of this show.

If you live by social media, you will die by social media.

Hahahaha enjoy old navy cunt.

That commercial still makes me angry just thinking about it

Awww, did baby girl get her show canceled?

First Larry Willmore and now inside amy Schumer¡ let's thank our lord and savior Dennis Falcone

Piss be with you

it's a good day

I just listened to Race Wars and it seems like the show isn't cancelled, but she's using semantics to shrug off critics.

everything we've ever wanted is all coming true ... its karma



Now I know how the Nazis and Commies felt when they steamrolled Poland and split it down the middle, except in this case its a bunch of scumbags from this subreddit and a bunch of fat SJW dykes steamrolling Big Amy and her former writing staff

damn, now what's Rachel Feinstein gonna do?

Sit on daddy's lap. I'm daddy.

She's going to spin it that she stepped away to focus on her movie career and stand up. Comedy Central may have even allowed her to save face by claiming to renew it for another season so she could walk away on her own.

But the ratings tanked, far too many stolen sketches being pointed out, she fucking stole a sketch from another CC show that had aired just a few months before hers for fucks sake, and the network is trying to get back to comedy I think with all the shows being dumped. They probably told her it was done and she was too afraid to argue and actually want to do another season and watch the ratings drop all the way down. So she let them "renew it" and then they allowed her to say no thanks I want to leave.

Now they just have to ditch Trevor Noah and either try to save The Daily Show or make a clean break with the past and cancel it too and start fresh.

I must be psychic.

"Doing Standup and focusing on writing more for the next year at least. We are slated for a season 5 but not in the foreseeable future," she tweeted Thursday morning. Schumer then thanked Comedy Central for giving her time to work on other projects and promoted her new book, "The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo."

Seems Piggy Cunt is backing off of her statement that the show is finished. And she pretty much said what I said she would. And I'll bet the show never comes back. Her saying it should be back in a year or so is just a face saving maneuver.

I still think the Comedy Central executives were forced to sign her to a show or face "repercussions" from her Uncle Chuckles Schumer

Oh shit! Amy's Big, Fat Diabetes Fun House and Larry Wilmore's "Niggas Dindu Nuffin, y'all are racist" Half Hour are done in the same week?!

I'm doing the lottery this week, this is my week.

That's funny because it was renewed for a 5th season in January, before the ratings for season 4 changed their minds.

My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.

This made my shitty day great.

Was it cancelled?

Never watched one episode. Wanted to support Yimmy and bob but the idea of any more Comedy Central Amy was too much for me.

Can we not call ourselves "pests" though