Wow. It seems Opie's plan to attack Big Amy worked perfectly. I guess she wishes she did the show now!

71  2016-08-18 by cbanks420iol



I'm so damn glad Opie told us all to attack Pig Amy. I wouldn't have done it if he didn't give me the idea. But since then, my goodness gracious, has it been fun!


Seriously any other way and we couldn't have orchestrated this so perfectly!



Bullshit. Whether you like her or hate her she worked the road for years. Opie couldn't even get Sirius not to fire Anthony. He doesn't have any influence in show business. And he certainly didn't make her career. Doing some appearances on O&A, even at its peak, didn't make anybody's career. All the comics that were in during that period were already working road and club comics.


Dammit. My name is Jezebel. How did my secret get out?

Just another uninformed fawkin hater. Opie made her career, as he's said many times.


Opie has always been the puppet master of this sub reddit

he is our charismatic leader, and frankly I love him

Opie rules.

Opie the DESTROYER strikes again!

No cakes or brave, beautiful women are safe when THE DESTROYER is about

Opie is an animal!

I can't believe I thought the 'cake stomping' days were really behind him. be honest I am a bit sick of his premeditated campaigns against people though. Between the Jocktober stuff and stunts like this it's getting a bit too brutal.

We still need to get her book review down to 2 stars. I'd hate for the Opester to be disappointed in us.

I had misgivings...but you just don't question the Opester.

never cross the boss operation pig fry in effect



I've been saying this for weeks. When Amy didnt do the show, Opie was always going to destroy her. As the tattoo on my right arm reads "Dont fuck da Hughes".

There's proof that Opie reads this sub avidly.

Remember when he yelled "Shut up you portly kike!"

That term is used here so often he definitely got it from here

Opie is right: a strong, independent women like Amy needs to be put in her place

He's manipulating the hate!

Serves her right! Eating that poor man's 'fudgie wudgie bars'!


Opie, mein furher!

Opie is a hole, a disloyal charlatan