<-- number of people who didn't give a shitfuck about Tits' afternoon show

623  2016-08-18 by CharlieSheenAids


Shhhhh. Don't tell him we didn't like it. Or tell him we really liked it so he'll just piss off to afternoons.

Afternoon Drives with Black, Fake, and Stupid

They wouldn't give Sherrod a show on his own.

Ever since Larry Wilmore got cancelled they don't let blacks host shows anymore.

But he's only two of those things, right? Am I missing something?

This comment is fucking brilliant.

Opie has a show?

And breasts.


Tits opened the show with The Black Keys. Shocker.

ME: Have you heard of this band, The Black Keys? I just found out about them - they're great, maybe better than this other band I found, MGMT.


Hey chris im hip with it

Coming back from commercial:

ME: Oh man I love Soundgarden. Kicking it old school. Love Christ Cornell's voice. Good choice Travis. What song is that its on the tip of my tounge. Im a huge Soundgarden fan, I go pretty deep with them

TRAVDOG: Actually its Cochise by Audioslave but you got the singer right

ME: Oh thats right I knew that. Duh. Just.....just my brain like....like skipped or something there. I knew that thought. I mean....its just... I really did know that was Audioshave. I am a big fan of theirs. I go a little bit deep with those guys but not too deep.

(long silence)

ME: Anyway. Good choice. Good song. I really did know it was Audiosave. Am I saying that right? I can't tell sometimes with the headphones. I've been wearing them since I was 18 and it has affected my hearing I think.

(long silence)


I really want that to be an actual transcript but even Opie can't possibly be that boring and inane, can he?

It is DAMN close to something he has done before. The fact you have to ask is telling

Play that Black Keys song, brotha.

ME: I go deep with The White Stripes.

ME: Nothing will ever be more deep than my favourite band Alice In Chains Unplugged

ME: Who was that? "Pink Floyd?" I love that guy, I go deep with him.

Incidentally, I heard Opie say in late 2008 that he has 4 copies of the unplugged AIC album. He just buys new ones when he forgot his at home.

Not too deep though.

You mean that band my phone company's been trying to get me to listen to for years? Tits never seemed like a corporate rock type of guy.



That's cause Soder said they were cool.

Opie sucks. Can't believe the company treats him better than JIM!

He schmoozes with management and kisses their ass. It's like that former producer guy, whose name I can never remember, Ben Sparks(?) said, "He always has a huge angry rant on air about management while somehow conveniently not getting any FCC violations."

He's a fucking phony asskisser and all his righteous indignation is a fucking act.

I bet he remembers which teams the people in management like, and keeps track of how of how those teams are doing, so when he bumps into an exec he can gently rib him with stuff like "Hector, what's going on with your Pacers?".

Then I bet he laughs like a retarded mongoloid.

Ugh this is too realistic. This probably really happens.

Thats probably why he likes the entire AFC East. In fact I think Florentine was the one who outed him in the fact that his favorite team changed week to week.

Your stutter is cute.


Hahaha, I can't wait until he gets his own show and it gets NO listeners and Sirius realizes they let go the wrong two guys.

How this charmless melon-smuggler manages to schmooze anyone is beyond me.

He's been working in radio since he's been 18, give him some credit!

He could have been a model.

Two inches taller and he would have played in the NBA

You forgot the W.

tsss a model quueer train or sumpthin?

Not that long since he's only in his late 20s.

Late twenties wahh?

he can always get a job as a ship steerer

Yeah I hear they need a new captain on the Costa Concordia.

Costa Concordia

that driver was BRRRUUDAL

He was off course just a lil bit, lil bit

Haven't you heard? Management is very happy with the direction of the show!

As they should be, he's been doing radio since he was 18!

18! = 6402373705728000

Which one is Opie again?

Breasts, bald, haughty of trunk while thin of wrist? No self-awareness, narcissistic, no talent, angry and unloved? You know, The Opster, puttin' up very low numbers in the mornings as well as the afternoons.

Sounds like a pretty cool guy to me

You forgot tits for days!

Seriously, tits' show sucked. But then again does Anthony ever do a good show? I cant wait to hear the ideas Opie has up his sleeve to sabotage fat Amy's book release tomorrow. Its worked well so far, NO ONE is too big for the Opester and she's gonna learn that the hard way.

Anthony does a good show when he has a good guest once in a blue moon.

it was on when i got in the car today, listened for a little then turned on Sternthology.... but Ian halperin really just is the worst, how do they have him on to take seriously and not just fuck with him the whole time? the guy writes fucking books about the Kardashians

You gotta admit he is really good at hyping stupid shit.

Opie watches tv shows about the kardashians


Nice try hater but they weren't even trying! They were just sittin' around and having a chat sesh. Just thirty-seven friends shootin' the shit to a curated soundtrack.



Don't give a shit.Big Amy is Opie

Fuck I was debating doing one of these with Joe or Big A

Big A has his own afternoon show?

I'm just joshing with you man friend.

Do it anyway, I'm sure it will be a roaring success.


Actually it was better than i expected.

Did you expect your XM receiver to catch fire, burn down your house and kill you and your loved ones?

Wouldnt you rather then listen to opies show?

Don't forget the prolapsed anus from all the raping

you fucking listened?

I have an hour commute

do yourself a favor and commute into the river

Why? Was it canceled?

Haha thats a good one...really though how awful was opie?

It was actually pretty entertaining. Go fuck your mothers.

Thanks little little Jimmy. Fuck off.

I hope this post dethrones me for top post of all time.

i looked up your highest submission post because of this,

and it was decently high, so i looked up this sub's highest upvoted post, it's from you...

Top posts are normally something i only look up on porn-subs, and now i know this sub's top posts are shitposts. goddamn do we suck.

You say shit posts, I say contemporary commentary on the state of social discourse.

+10 stalker xp

I listened, I seriously have to ask what made shows like today worse than o&a circa 2013-2015? You listened to shows from that era that were quite frankly just as bad/good as the show today, but yet you never complained once until the overwhelming feeling from this sub that something wasn't right about the new show (mind you there were 2 comedians in today , in no way am I implying opie was the funniest guy in the room,) so it's at this point I must ask. Are you getting older and these comedians don't do it for you anymore, have you been conditioned to shit on the new show, which is by far not as good as old o&a but by far not as bad as yall make it out to be, or has the show actually gotten this bad

Tl;dr peckahs

What do you do for a living character?

but yet you never complained once

There was plenty of complaining back when the show was still together.


You clearly weren't here then. People werepissed about Ant's race rants. It would go apeshit over Nopie shows. And a large majority openly hated Opie.

Here is an AMA request for /u/opiesucks in 2013. https://m.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/1self6/ama_request_uopiesucks/

Opiesucks was a saint.

Patron saint of sniffing, making everything about yourself, and thin skin. His feast is at the end of jocktober.

do yourself a favor and commute into the river