Which comedian do you hope has their career tarnished by rape accusations?

6  2016-08-17 by SWIMsfriend

Personally I want anyone from the daily show or Louis CK.

I want louis's career to be ruined so we can get the old louie back, who was depressed and called his sexy daughters cunts

Just imagine TACS with Ant and Louis back together


Jamie Kilstein.

I've never heard of him but based on his last name I'm assuming he's a good goy.

Andy Kindler.

Bill Cosby, oh wait

Amy Schumer


I would prefer if they were tarnished by rape offenses.

Why can I only pick one?


iliza shlesinger, and I'm the rape victim. Take us out you piece of shit.

Denis Leary

Also I want to add hari kondabalou, Kumail, and aziz, and the Australian asshole we like here so much.and david cross

Norm McDonald