...and now Kurt is forced to apologize. Thanks, Big Amy!

58  2016-08-17 by arrogantsquirrel


Kurt Metzger takes another loss. His internet fight record is quite poor.

I wonder how many more public embarrassments until he's a civilian?

A professional surely would've won once by now, or at least avoided having to make that groveling apology.

He'll be grovelling around on the carpet of his shitty apartment looking for crumbs of cocaine now Big Amy's fired him. LOL

He's the Glass Joe of twitter.

Line of the day

lol i love when people need to write these spastic mea culpas cause it really shows how insane this whole society is now.

"I want to state FOR THE RECORD, so there is no misunderstanding, I am not in favor of rapists and I believe rape is a crime. I am now and have always been against raping women."

I am not in favor of rapists and I believe rape is a crime.

That's fucking bullshit.

Taking the tough stances

We're two guys who think rapists should be deducted pay.

aw christ, now I have to listen to the old beating clips


On a side note, some of the cunt mob is turning against Amy for 'silencing' (blocking) them: http://twitter.com/EmilySwindal/status/766002424461029376

Maybe this will have some momentum.

They can't wait to turn against her. It's what "that crowd" lives for. & pretty much everyone on this subreddit predicted this would happen

HOLY SHIT. Are you kidding me? We are on a subreddit called /r/opieandanthony where we all hate opie and anthony. I don't need to explain myself any further.

That dame is a real spitfire who I wouldn't mind doin the 23 skidoo with

Whoa let's keep it PG, gang!

But on a side note I'd roll around in glass to lick that ragamuffin's butthole.

Language! They prefer "Cunt Cartel."

"us ladies gotta stick together"

Hopefully by 'stick together' she means having dynamite glued to her face.


Treat your self and have a scroll down that cunts timeline. The most vomit inducing Big Amy worship I've seen. Holy shit.


How is it possible for someone to simultaneously argue that we shouldn't just call people rapists without proof while also arguing that these women are victims of a rapist. This is why he deserves the name Cuck.

The rule is that if you are a victim of rape society should not question your allegations but believe every word. Additionally the rapist (despite being unindicted and never investigated by law enforcement) must endure an internet lynch mob as well as anyone supporting the rapist who has never been charged with the act which he is guilty.*

*: The above rule does not apply to former Presidents of the United States

Amy's fat.

she is incredibly sensitive about it too. you should have heard her call-in to the jason ellis show after he called her chubby. it was an absolutely humorless, straightfaced demand for an apology, and she got dick. ellis just reiterated what he said and justified it to her face. she raged and hung up

got a link to that?

caught it live, noone records his daily shows


Ugh what a pussy.

Fuck him for apologizing like a good little boy.

It could end up taking food from Amy Schumer's mouth! You all can understand why Big Amy would refuse to back him again.

Oh you mean like Slap Chef?


I like that we can now hold this over his head from now on. Any time he talks shit on twitter now we can say, how long until you aplogize like you did with the UCB rape.

Also congrats on ex-Jezebel head editor erin gloria ryan for being the worm she is and pretending to believe Kurts backpeddling

How can you hold someone apologizing over their head? Either he's being forced to do it, or he's sincere and he means it. He won't feel guilty

Jesus Christ, why does every lengthy Facebook entry turn into a brother Joe STYLED post with occasionally capitalised WORDS in an effort to seem like you have a POINT, but you don't really and are in fact just a useless CUNT.

I'm not sure but I THINK its because they SECRETLY all want to be LIKE Hollywood SUPERSTAR and wrestling LEGEND Scorch and that's p...f...g!

Do you think his GF will give him his good boy snowball tonight after this retreat?

Such a little bitch. Put in his place by mommy. I love it.

He's trying to tone it down and weasel out of it while maintaining some kind of dignity and his feminazi handler (Erin Gloria Ryan) comes in the comments and humiliates him completely with a stern talking to.

What a pathetic faggot.

Metzger's been cucked again naturally, cucked again naturally....

Cucked and to the left... cucked... and to the left....

He should promise to treat himself and visit a nearby tower, climbing to the top, and throwing himself off.

He should what? I didn't catch that

We heard you.

What's that? Sorry dude...your phone's a piece of shit.

This is almost as funny as when his "wife" comes home with a pussy full of another man's cum. Total fucking cuck.

I would cum inside of his girlfriends pussy, except I would never subject my precious sperms to whatever gay gypsy cuckoldmancy Kurt does with them when she goes home.

What if she poured some prestigious Nagel seed acquired from a spent condom to cleanse the palate first?

LOL He can beg for forgiveness as much as he likes, he's finished.

I stand by the points I made, but I sincerely apologize for using inflammatory language to make them.

He owes us an apology too by the way. civilians

"Sorry I used mean words and was angry!!!!"


-A man with a coke habit.

What a fucking loser.

And now he is saying he told Amy to post about it on Twitter.

RIP Kurt Metzger

Urgh. That apology is directly from the Schumers panic mode publicists. I didn't think he'd cave but re-set that clock...

That's why comics who are tied in any way to corporate paying jobs always end up taking in the ass from the public by apologizing like children in timeout. Tracy Morgan, Tosh, etc.... Comics like Stanhope are the best because they answer to no one and can tell you to go fuck yourself if you don't like what they said.

Also.... maaaaaahhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnn

There aren't a lot of people who want to live like Stanhope that aren't too insane to be even make jokes, let alone become successful comedians

He's as intelligent as he is funny.





I know their show is gay as fuck, but why are they hugging cocks in their photo

Wow! Well tonight on Race Wars we'll get into it. Let me once again clarify my rantings, since my punishment the mob is howling for is now officially more severe than the one for the actual rapist. None of my venom is for any victims of anything. I wouldn't blame a victim for ANYTHING. Hell if you are FRIENDS with a victim I don't blame you for spreading around that this guy is a rapist. I was talking to the perennial social media mob who, without knowing victim or accused, GLEEFULLY want to be part of social mob justice. Some of whom are my friends. And I apologize for using the term "lynch mob." Lynch mobs sometimes actually hang a rapist. This one merely got a rapist banned from a monthly UCB show and then patted themselves on the head. I am always on the side of the VICTIMS, and I felt that this does them a great disservice. I admit to deliberately being as inflammatory as possible with my language to deliberately anger the mob of people who say, "You are with us or you keep your mouth shut." I was aware they would twist what I said to try and blackball me from whatever they could. I don't want to cater to these bullies. Again, I am not talking about ANY victims. Again, I don't even know who they are or how many there are. My point, which I could have made more tactfully, was this: Why did the story of what actually happened come out AFTER this guy is declared a rapist? I will listen to ANY victim's account. All that was given initially is "psssst Aaron's a rapist pass it on." My point was that no one seems disturbed by this. No one sees that down the road, next time we might get it wrong. I did not "yell at victims to go to police." They are VICTIMS. I am yelling at the people who said, "Women CAN'T go to the police! They have to work outside the system!" I think that's utter bullshit and leads to rapists walking free. It hurts the victims of sexual assault. I hear this and it enrages me. I believe that any accusation of sexual assault is a serious charge that should be taken seriously, and that UCB should have notified the police or at least encourage the victims to go to police before attempting to handle it themselves with an "internal investigation". If my disjointed swatting at biplanes like King Kong confused and hurt reasonable people who agree with me, I apologize. It was never my intent to antagonize victims or their supporters. My defensiveness came from feeling deliberately misunderstood. I am not a "rape apologist." My position has always been in defense of the victims of assault. I realize that when emotions are running high, it might not be the time to aggressively philosophize on a sensitive topic. I stand by the points I made, but I sincerely apologize for using inflammatory language to make them. Cocaine.

So he's calling Amy a bully? A big piggy bully (paraphrased)?

Yep, a big fat bastardly bully.

I was almost liking Kurt. But he bent his neck to the will of the SJW mob.

Has the alleged rapist been charged yet? Has she gone to the police? If not then fuck her and her allegations.

Imagine if a man came out and just accused a woman of molesting him. He'd be called a scumbag and a liar and bashed unmercifully until he said he was sorry. But a cunt can accuse a guy with no evidence whatsoever.

I thought of all people, Kurt would stand by his core principles. It's hard to not view him as a sellout. I guess he has a mortgage to pay and got terrified of being dismissed from the lucrative Amy gig. Hopefully this doesn't lead to a kinder, gentler Kurt where he's giving the State of the Union address in Montreal every year.

I really want to get to the bottom of what happened with the UCB garbage too. It's pretty fucked up that a guy's career is over because of some vague, unsubstantiated allusions on a phantom Facebook page. I was dead wrong about Kurt going scorched earth, so perhaps it will turn out this Glaser character is in fact the Hitler of rape.

He does say he stands by his points, so I don't see how he isn't standing by his core principles.

When someone called him out about the Amy tweet he said to told her to write it and she really was going to say nothing.


I just don't care enough to read a wall of text by metzger. I assume he shoehorned in how he was raised super religious.

i could see myself making a very similar apology in his shoes tbh. the wall of text is an attempt to clarify his point without a coke buzz clouding his brain, but he still asserts that the women witch hunting him are insane. he then sincerely apologizes for using such nasty words like a cuck pussy

This fucking cuck just cucked the biggest cuck that ever cucked. Un-cucking-believacuck.

It must've taken a pound of coke to write a wall of text that large

I'm just here to suck some cock

Sounds like the rantings of an opiate addict.

Opiate addicts aren't taking time to argue on Twitter. They're either nodding out, or looking for the next score.

you'd be suprised...a lot of people get energy on them

He sounds totally zooted on Race Wars half the time. He'll be found turning blue in a bath tub one of these days. I'm sure of it.

Like a true cuck.

I almost felt bad for him. What a fucking loser.

Scorch helped him write that apology


I still don't know what's going on.

This sub has passed me by.

Unlike Amy.

Now we should all be on Kurt's side. I don't really know why we hated Kurt in the first place. He is very funny.

Also.... maaaaaahhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnn

Taking the tough stances

How can you hold someone apologizing over their head? Either he's being forced to do it, or he's sincere and he means it. He won't feel guilty

There aren't a lot of people who want to live like Stanhope that aren't too insane to be even make jokes, let alone become successful comedians