The great debate

3  2016-08-17 by Lil_Teddy_Sheckler


If you wouldn't suck Bailey Jay's delicious feminine cock and fondle her lovely balls you're a queer.

How is this even a debate?

I know!! Bailey jay is soo fuckin hot

Pot talk monday. "What would you do, if you had to!!"

They're both freaks and if I "had to" I'd punch the person who told me I had to in the throat and walk away from them.

It's not even a had to with Bailey, is what I was implying, sir.

Well what I was implying with my bold text was the retardedness of opie's pot talk monday bit. I don't care if any of you downvoters want to suck on dicks, but apparently you care that I don't want to. Bullies!



lol jesus christ. I hope every woman in your family gets raped and impregnated by black men

Buck has a cunt no tits.Mr.Bailey has a cock and some tits........

I'm surprised no one has brought up Tranthony's responses in this. The alky doth protest too much, methinks.

It's not even a had to with Bailey, is what I was implying, sir.
