Can you mods please make this a sidebar pic? Props to /K1bbler.

34  2016-08-17 by ValleyChippah


And it's gone! The fuck op?

Sidebar pics should be updated more frequently.

The lazy-ass mods need to get their shit together

That's a terrifying visual.

It's already my desktop background.

I had a 8'x12' print made and it's hanging in my living room.

I am getting it tattooed on my balls right now.

theres actually mods here? well they must be a bunch of lazy niggers cause ive never seen them do a thing

fuck yes

Wow! Great job on PSing / morphing Travis on the lady cop. Seamless!

He doesn't look as down syndrome here as he does lately though. What the fuck happened to him btw?

Eric Dassey fucking rules

It's such a horrible photoshop job, except for the chins. Those are spot on.

It's not at all. Wipe the cum from your eyes.

Its dead on, if he applied a shitty filter no one could ever tell. Bet I could post this on my Instagram and every one would actually think this is him

He has the complexion of 2 different Sams