What happened with patrice?

2  2016-08-17 by Bloodyshitassrip

He isn't on the show anymore. They were much better when he was on. Ron and fez, noon to 3


He got shot trying to steal a white baby at a zoo

It's really a tragic story. Colin was playing with a flashlight and patrice saw the shadow on the wall and mistook it for a ghost and shouted "oh lawdy!" And his entire skeleton jumped out of his body. He's now touring under the name of Red Skeleton. Horrible act.

He had 4 of the 5 things that kill black men.

Diabetes, elephantitus, aids, and an uppity like attitude. What'd i miss?

Other black people

Sickle cell.

I think you should sit down...

Idk. Opie and anthony seem to not like eachother anymore. Even with jimmy there. Patrice makes everything ok when he is in studio. I hope they didn't piss him off.

I have some bad news, buddy.

What happened?!?!?!?

He went out sailing and forgot his lil' white girl key-chain.

(Implying OP isn't already sitting on his fat ass scarfing down the chicken tendies his mommy made him for being such a good boy)

Murder/suicide with Patton Oswalts wife over ghostbusters

Won't be seeing him no more

He's taking a long nap where you never wake up and your skin falls off.

He dieded.

He ded

I think he has a new show on A&E with a white co-host.

He moved to Somalia and was never seen again.

he was 14 years old

What happened to the goddam documentary we were supposed to get?

Nah he's still working. He's in this season of Mr. Robot...

"Twas beauty that killed the beast"


Fatso gotta eat.Roland comment. .....

Seriously. Someone, try to look up what he does now. I can't find anything

I heard it really stinks.

Bone chillingly bad

Jaw dropping awful