Racist Scum Ellen DeGenerate

2  2016-08-16 by LacanZizekFreud


I love it when they turn on each other.

I can't wait for Black Lives Matter to get a hold of this one.

"This just in! Ellen DeGeneres brutally raped and murdered in her home. Her attackers were...wearing hoodies and...basketball shorts. To avoid negative connotations, we are choosing not to reveal the ethnicities of the suspects in question."

One of the comments:

"Liberal here. Would never find this offensive. And politically correct just means you shouldn't use the n-word; if you have a problem with political correctness, I just figure you think slavery should still be a thing & women shouldn't be able to vote."

How do you argue with someone like that?

Finally! It had to be said.

I do think that.

You shatter their jaw with a cinderblock, piss on them and laugh as you go off to fuck his wife in her pooper.

Most of the country is slowly turning against them, and they still insist on throwing their own under the bus.

Not racist. Just really stupid. Everybody knows you don't ride monkeys.

This symbolizes how white people have to ride on the back of black men to get ahead. Very problematic.


I know but fuck Ellen, that twat sucking twat.


Then we either burn this whole motherfucker down or call in the Judean People's Front crack suicide squad. https://youtu.be/NUHk2RSMCS8

I'm more partial to the second one.

It would be the first man she ever rode.

I'm genuinely offended by how ugly ellen is. She looks like a cartoon mouse... that wishes it had a cock.



This dyke has gone too far this time. In future her and all of her guests should have to dance to the couch over hot coals. That's suitable punishment for these disgusting racists.

Sooooo that's not Vic Henley....