Opie doing a afternoon show tomorrow.

20  2016-08-16 by Dennyislife


I think we've just witnessed the birth of the worst radio show of all time.

I hope he takes videos of homeless people and gets run over by a double bus before then

And then one of the homeless guys stomps on his lifeless skull.

It's like poetry, it rhymes with itself.

The screen is so dense

Bobo is key

For once, our fan fiction seems to be coming to fruition!

EDIT: Lol one of the commenters thinks he's implying that he'll be on Compound Media.

Tits posts here. I think his username is /u/dannyfromtheshow

I think /u/whydontUlovemeLyndsi would be more fitting

It's time for that beer...

I hope that he is and then you'll be all embarrassed.

It's astonishing that anyone is paying money for Opie to speak to radio at this point

The funny part is, we add to it. He can show people how the show still has a following by pointing here. He just has to hope they don't actually read the sub.

speculate speculate speculate!

i think the canadian dollar has nowhere to go but up

I never remember Anthony going, "Ah, fuck it. I just won't do the show for a full week for no real reason in August but other people still have to do the show."

I wonder if stuff like this and the later appearances and the Doc Show and all that are counted as full days in contract? They must be. Opie was the only guy I remember skipping entire shows so often that there is a 50 show download available and the company considered him in breach of contract and talked about docking his pay.

The Fridays off thing is all his doing as well. Ant, Jim and the producers didn't want it.

Anthony wanted to work Fridays? The same Anthony that hasn't worked a Friday in over two years? Workhorse Jim used to routinely bail on Fridays if his weekend gigs required travel beyond Jersey.

Stop with the facts.

Jim flat out said he uses all his "sick days" to take off days to travel for gigs

Meanwhile the staff gets screamed at on air for taking their sick days and vacation days before they expire. Opie is a hell of a guy.

On his last afternoon show he went off on a rant about how many shows per year he's contractually obliged to put out and he specifically said that the afternoon shows are arranged to make up for lost days. He also bragged that he's going to finish the year with more episodes than he is actually required to do so he might not need to do many more to make up for the lost week. Now that I think about it, he must have said this all on twitter because I would never listen to his abomination of a radio show.

Lol yeah cause Ant and Jim wanted to work on Fridays for same pay. Shut up. Opie negotiated Friday's off in last deal. Ant fucking called in hungover all the time!


I hate laissez faire tits.

It shows that he's the one in control. That he'll do it if he's feeling the vibe and if he makes it into work. That Sirius doesn't control him, and he's running the channel. If you ask enough --- just maybe he'll come in to spread his knowledge over the air.

When in reality, he had to fill out a dozen forms and get permission from Sirius to guarantee that he'd work the required number of hours this month even though he was going to broadcast in the afternoon.

If there's one smart thing to do it's fuck with your schedule so people just keep tuning in to see if you're on live. That's what they always say.

I don't think anyone says that. It seems like bad advice.

It really is startling to see how little influence he has now - 3 RT's, 19 likes and a smattering of comments. I'm pretty sure my local jock gets more engagement than that.

I bet you feel stupid now; it's up to 22 likes.

Giving away a pizza would generate more interest.

Maybe something in the rumours?

What rumours?

That he's a breasted individual prone to career long bouts of awfulness?


Everyone should call in and when he picks up just yell "BOOOO"

He got kicked off his own show. Hilarious.


I hope we get another Ant phonecall.

"..." Oh, vague Opie.

I bet Anthony calls in but the call gets dropped or they can't get through to him or some other BS

I wish it was an afterlife show.

It's setting a very low bar that this is an even worse option than the Jim Norton Advice Show.

Opie will be playing tunes in the afternoons

Somebody brave please listen and report in.

I hope by grabbing the mic he means deepthroating a shotgun

I abhor Opie fans.

He thinks he's so radical. He better have some good comedians on. That's the only thing that makes it listenable.

Meanwhile the staff gets screamed at on air for taking their sick days and vacation days before they expire. Opie is a hell of a guy.