Anybody remember that nigga Gumbledog? I bet you're still here. Gumbledog, comment?

0  2016-08-16 by Mitchull


This is a waste of effort for everyone.

Delete this post, then delete your life.

Clearly. I should have paid attention to the current trend here and waxed nostalgic for Tough Crowd or speculated on what the gals are gonna do this fall. I'm sorry.

I forgive you.

This brings us back to the killing yourself thing I mentioned.

Just do it, you are making us uncomfortable.

I bought a law degree so I'm pretty sure you will be brought up on charges for enticing suicide

Alright, here I go...

Are you about to call someone edgy? I bet you are.

I call a spade a spade, pal! I can call you edgy, but I haven't seen you try to use "bad" words in a forced manner. You're not edgy right now, but you could be.

I give them credit. Looks like they've finally dug up some legitimate dirt that isn't hypocritical or based on political correctness. /r/The_Donald, comment?

Take your nigger posts elsewhere. This is a whites only forum.


I realized that the /r/drama I linked didn't go directly to the post. Fuck off, transgendered Chip.

no one cares faggot

Calm down, Edgy McGillicuddy

ahh, the old edgy comment, a real sophisticated gentleman


no one cares faggot