I thought Anthony couldn't get big guests

0  2016-08-16 by unclepaul84

Yet I saw Curt Schilling has been on twice in the past few weeks. So the joke about him not getting guests is old. Schilling was a great guest. I think he should come host sometimes. And this is coming from a Yankees fan.


Curt Schilling? Another guy fired from a sweet gig for making insane and racist twitter rants.

How did Trampa ever manage to get him?!

Who the fuck is curt schilling?

He's the German guy who sang that Major Tom song that wasn't by Bowie. Remember? "Earth bellow us driftiiing faaallliiiing"

The superior of the Major Tom songs.

You must not watch sports

All I watch is sport.. Just googled him, baseball, no one outside of America watches baseball

You're a American't you racist crumpet eating, no teeth brushing, mine's a pint, Matthew Le Tissier loving, Queen having, EU leaving, conquered by Romans being tossing tea drinkin wanker.


Tsss...yeah why not upvobill or sumpthin


I feel like he was saving that one, and that makes me sad for him.

Don't forget FAGGOT!

Forget what?


Faggot. You mentioned all of those other things ....

... mine's a pint, Matthew Le Tissier loving, Queen having ....

... so I said: "Don't forget FAGGOT!"

Yeah I got it. You like hurting my feelings. I don't know why I'm replying to you when you're being so rude.

Heyyyy, c'mon! You're being unfair!

Yeah, Curt Schilling would go a long way in taming the obsession with race/gun talk that has destroyed the show.

A man who mismanages his money interviewing another man who mismanaged his money?

I kinda wanna see that, the only problem is the next month will probably be mostly Joe Devito calibre guests.

Can we get Leo on the show.I loved it when Patrice fucked with Leo Anthony Gallegher.

Thought it would be a Joe DeVito joke, was disappointed.

Update: Ha ha, Joe DeVito is actually on today! https://twitter.com/JoeDeVitoComedy/status/765576061707022336

Wow. Big get. Maybe he could get Gallagher too.

Actually, after Gallagher went ape shit with his racist jokes on O&A a few years back, I'd love to hear Gallagher again.

Say "Gallagher" more.


Here come the down votes from liberal millennial fags who no nothing about the real world.

The real world truth is that his bloody sock would make a more compelling guest

Not a liberal, in my mid 30's diehard Phillies fan. Schilling is a fucking buffoon who lost his millions with some dumb video game shit. Great pitcher, I'll always remember '93, but don't need to hear him talk.

Actually, after Gallagher went ape shit with his racist jokes on O&A a few years back, I'd love to hear Gallagher again.