I just realized something about Opie & Anthony hating each other.

71  2016-08-16 by [deleted]

Only two years after Opie & Anthony ended, almost all of us hate Opie & Anthony individually- because their individual flaws were made obvious to all of us. Anthony is a racist, lazy, creepy piece of shit, and Opie is a talentless, unfunny hypersensitive retard.

Imagine what it would've been like to work with them for 20 years.

We only listened to their individual shows and we hate them- Opie had to work with Anthony for 20+ hours a week for 20 years. Anthony had to work with tits, it was his job- we only have to listen for as long as we want before we turn it off.

It's obvious that they're both hateable in their own way- so having to work together, isn't it amazing they actually stayed together for 20 years? I wouldn't have lasted 2 years working alongside either of these two pieces of shit. Everything we hate about The Anthony Cumia show- that's the show Anthony wanted to do for years- lazy, unprepared, no strucuture- endless talk about race and guns- Opie had to stop the show from becoming that. And Anthony had to keep the show from becoming Opieraqio. Their on-air shittiness was in a cocoon for 20 years- and now it's finally become a butterfly- but it was always there in their personalities- kept in check from being on air by the other. But behind the scenes it was always present.

I can't believe they didn't fight more often- but now I totally get why they didn't like each other by the end of it.


A) Thanks for making the same point ten times over three paragraphs. More words doesn't mean your point is better.

B) Over a million a year to talk to some faggot I despise for less than 20 hours a week is SUPER do-able.

Why don't you come back here and shut up.

Homestly, great points from both of you.

Tss yeah why dont you take a long walk off a short pier or sumthin....piece of gawbage




Don't be a cunt, fag.

Just realized? All of this was evident 10 years ago tbh.

The one thing I realized now that they split and I watched quite a bit of Anthony alone on TACS: Anthony is a little too sensitive to slam people to their face, but enough of an asshole that he think's it's legit funny and loves playing along with it. Gregg is a McHandsome literal fratboy who grew up with the confidence to enable him to treat people like shit. He didn't have the white trash poverty, abusive dad, god awful looks that still plague Ant today.

The fratboy douchiness of Gregg's was a crucial element to O&A. He would hang up on boring callers right in the middle of their speech on air, even after asking them a question and setting them up to go on to answer it, to click them off as they get excited to be on the air and start talking. It was flat out bullying. And it was FUCKING HILARIOUS. Gregg would also confront guests to their face. He did it to ditzy female stars on PR tours, he did it to vapid porn star sluts, one of the best and easily googlable examples is when he called out Max Tucker for being full of shit to his face and triggered him so bad he walked out of the room. Anthony was such an insecure little whimp boy that he even tried to calm it down, but seeing Max get called and rage was hilarious, awkward, real, and fucking awesome shit. Ant never had the balls for that and on his show it's so fucking clear how much a part of that was to O&A and how much he needed someone else to enable that.

I didn't read this.

I'm Sorry


No, Gregg and his behaviors of a typical five year old were not hilarious after the the first 3-4 times.

Anthony enabled Gregg's abusive immature behavior and fed off it at the same time. He was too weak to do it himself. You can see that watching TACS and it's partly why it's so boring. Watching TACS you can see Anthony has the understanding that if you invite someone it's absurd to be a douche to them. Gregg's childish indifference or lack of realization to this social norm, while wormy Ant and Jim sat on the sidelines like the verbal sidekciks to a bully, are part of what made O&A so funny.

While all of this is true, I'm still left a little confused at the greatness of all of the Nopie shows. The two of them trying to one up one another was always great radio. I don't know if it was just the infrequency of it that made it fresh and entertaining or not. I'm left wondering if an Ant and Jim show would be entertaining long term. Opie is just a lost cause though, now that he's seized lone control of the show, he'll surround himself with yes men and quickly jettison anyone who doesn't kiss the ring even if they might be the next Ant that would compliment him on air.

Stop saying watching TACS. I wouldn't listen to either of the shit shows that have sprung up from what was a great radio show's demise.

This is fascinating. Tell us more.

You so deep. You should run for president or sumptin.

yeah or like jog for mayor tss

Deep like a well. That's a subject. Tssss.

I still don't hate Anthony. Because I don't care about racism. I don't subscribe to the notion that everyone has to love and accept everyone. It's horseshit of the highest order. We do still have somewhat free thought in America, if not necessarily true free speech. That said, I don't, haven't, and will not subscribe to TACS. Or to that shitpile O&J. The show I loved is dead and gone, buried by egos, resentments, adult baby behaviors, and corporate knee jerk reactions. I won't support the band unless it is together.



Its funny that the hate comes out now though. Suddenly everyone hates Anthony cause hes a racist, hes admitted to being racist multiple times in the show, last time I heard it was at 2006 shows, so its nothing new. We all know he bangs young teens, but thats only his subconcious trying to impress his dad cus he got him laid when he was 13 with an 18 year old, thats called sexual imprint.

No shit he likes petite white trash girls. We all know this.

Opie has never been funny, hes admitted it multiple times "I know im never the funniest guy in the room" but its okay, cause they all played a roll in the show, to me, even though I kind of hate Opie(not on the level you guys are at though) it was a great fucking show, for the time.

Im so fucking thankful for O&A, I remember downloading the entire year of 2005(a couple of years ago) and it fucking saved my life from boredom, I laughed so many times I forgot all about it.

I worked alone for 8 hours a day with 1,30h commute, I listened to almost 10 hours of O&A everyday for 1-2 years at that job, it was fucking golden.

O&A/J sucks a huge dick now, I havent listened past 2014 really except some clips here and there, but fucking the 2000-2011 are golden, I appreciate O&A so much but all you circlejerk bandwagon retards cant look past that and are hating just to hate.

We can all agree that O&A&J are worse seperated but the time is past, they worked for 20 years, 20 god damn years.

Im so sick of you guys crying all the fucking time, the show sucks move on, its done. I still listen to 2007 and onward here and there, I still enjoy it.

Fuck all of you to be honest.

I've been listening to 2005 shows, and I find them all a lot less hatable. Opie makes room for Ant and Jim, Jimmy is angry, and Ant was in a relationship and didn't seem to be the same person at all (today I heard the show where he says he needs to buy a shotgun because he's scared of home invasions, and he didn't have a gun). I've been listening to June 2005 and Jimmy had just done the Tonight show, and they're constantly going on about how he's going to move on from the show.

Yeah it's the faggotry of reddit in general. Normally people try to be cute and clever to reap upvotes, here people try to one-up each other in cynicism.

Reddit is gay as fuck and always has been. This is just the best place to get live updates on the ona universe.




I was shocked to look at the username of this post and not see maynardsabeast

Shut up fatty!

Because it's a long meandering post that says very little of actual substance...

It's not amazing, they got 300k for the brand o&a, I would do ANYTHING for 300k

Racism isn't bad tho.

If they were well-adjusted individuals, I probably wouldn't enjoy their radio show.

To much droning on happening in this thread

I could work with Anthony for a lot less than millions a year. He may have faults, but he's funny. I couldn't work with Opie for all the money in the world. His passive aggressive bullshit would have caused violence between us.

Except we knew all that about Anthony. Forgivable because he's funny. We didn't know Opie was a petulant screaming bitch behind the scenes PLUS worthless on the show.

Anthony's issues were forgivable when he made them funny... he doesn't do funny anymore. Now that he is on his own he's been a disaster.
