Jim has never seen Waynes World

16  2016-08-15 by Ant_Sucks

How is this possible?


He's afraid he'll be influenced by Wayne and/or Garth

But he's already a short, weird guy who wears T-shirts with pictures of old metal bands on them and does a cable access show for 35 people.

TACS wasn't afraid to be influenced by Wayne or Garth.

Didn't work out though.

Jim has never seen a woman without a cock.

I feel there's an Opie joke in here somewhere.

Vurry good haha...make your own jokes, folks. Burp

That's the bit

Easy. When he's not listening to Black Sabbath he's usually too busy watching Caligula or listening to that one Ramones song he likes.

Added to the list of many pop culture items impossible to miss that Jim feigns ignorance at

Because Ozzy isn't in it.

But Alice Cooper is! Isn't that the sort of shit Jimmy is into - heavy metal and men with girls names?

That's almost exactly what I was going to say... Except iimagine he never watched it because he felt they should've used Ozzy instead.

Fuck him, I'll take Alice Cooper over Ozzy.

I got free tickets to Heaven and Hell, Alice Cooper opened. I didn't think I knew any of his shit and every song was like "Fuck, I know this one". Songs I've heard numerous times, but didn't realize was him. On top of that his stage show was amazing. He came out swinging a sword around with money on it, it flew into the crowd so the "Regular Joes" were basically fighting over it. It was a pretty good time for free tickets, until the arena I was at ran out of beer before the headliners. How does that happen?

I like stories.

I saw Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie together years back. It was a great fucking time. I paid $5,000,000 a ticket though.

I think you might have over-paid sir. I'm not really a "concert guy", so the only shows I've been to were tickets that were given to me, or shit that my various GF's wanted to go to.

Fucking Ticketmaster. I tell ya.

If you are into theatrical metal bands, check out Ghost.

No Way!



he heard they had a licorice dispenser in their car & he didn't want to get addicted (by the grace of gawd)

Jim has never seen a movie past 1986 unless it was some Ozzy or KISS ballwashing piece.

When he stopped doing drugs as a kid, was when he stopped learning new things.

He doesn't watch anything except tranny porn

Big deal. So what?

I'm answering his question

Well don't.

But I already did, its been 4 hours he's probably seen it by now

You're a bitter disappointment.

Hey :(

Easy, he's lying. Remember the time he ranted about animated shows. Then tried to make his own. He takes Bull shit stances just for thee sake of it.

He's just like Gavin except he likes his sexual partners to have dicks and tits. So opie...

Jim should be beaten to death with his own shoes.

He's older than you

Blinky Worm

Jim simply isn't a normal guy.

What is he missing?


The only good thing Mike Meyers ever did

First Austin powers was good

i love shrek

Neither have I. Mike Myers and Dana Carvey fucking stink.

I tried watching it last year. I made it halfway through and didn't come close to laughing. It fucking sucked.

Me neither, never found them funny. Thought I was missing out checked out YouTube videos of them, it sucked.

It's not a timeless comedy. If Jim missed it when it was relevant and has no nostalgia for it, it's pointless to watch now.

It's a retarded movie that inspired more retarded movies. It's not like he's never listened to Carlin or Pryor. Also, Jim's a slimy, schmarmy fagit.