French satirical magazine faces 'imminent' attack after publishing image of naked Muslims

34  2016-08-15 by ovoleves



I'd love to condemn these 6th century savages but I kinda want to see the world deteriorate into chaos even more, so more power to 'em.

We're not going to be able to Deus Vult unless they start acting up so I'm okay with it.

Deus Vult just sent me down a long Wikipedia rabbit hole

Not being sardonic, what did you learn sir?

just read about the Council of Clermont and Seljuks, who I had heard of but completely forgotten about.

I don't know if you knew this either but the ability for a sitting Pope to call a Holy Crusade never went away.

If he felt the need tomorrow, His Holiness could absolutely call the faithful to arms again. Of course that's incredibly doubtful considering he took the name of Francis, a Saint known for his acts of Mercy

Nimble navigator!


Trump2016 nigga

I've made an error in judgment...

We can't take the diplomacy and prestige hit without a good casus belli. But, maybe, if we elect trump we can get a "make the west great again" perk and declare war on all other religions and government types

That game has ruined my life.

I'll help you carry the Cross through Eurasia again.

Charlie Hebdo was founded in the 20th century, dude.

I hope you get suicide bombed

you french loving cocksucker... it was a joke

We don't tolerate jokes about tolerance.

my bad, along with 5 others who didn't get it.

no, i have to apologize.

Jussa getting shot up at work...and fucken

Your comment is on top ... SORTEDBYDABESSO

You would think they would be enraged ISIS is raping and murdering kids in Syria, no this is much more important. Fucking cocksuckers. Tired af of this shit. Good thing I was born a Muslim so nobody can label me a fucking racist. Tired of these fucking people, fuck you and your shitty stone age rules you want to impose on others.

"Good thing I was born a Muslim" ....really? I was born a human..

I always assumed you looked like the shit monster from Dogma, the more you know huh

I was born a socially colorblind baby.

I was born, unfortunately.

I didn't know you were brown lol, I wouldn't have tore into you so bad for being a leftist. I assumed you were a cuck.

I am not a leftist, more like a centrist

I still don't get why we have Muslims.

They provide contrast so we can better appreciate the good things in life.

Does anyone know where Antwan is? Latest reports I heard he was pimping trannies on the Marseilles waterfront.

I don't know what the truth is but that definitely sounds like him

I thought it was gonna be the picture.



You're a good boy.

Thanks buddy. Good luck to you if you were actually going to prison and not just being a silly goose.


a shocking & new revelation

Why has nobody picked up this angle yet??

Technically it means “submission to the will of God”. Just thought I'd clarify for all you semantics fans out there.

I'm all in with semantics

I thought they were Anti-Semantic?

But bush said it meant peace

Fuck the sand niggers. Keep popping off until the world gets tired of you and your shit religion and bands together to wipe you the fuck out.

Thats right, goyim. Go die in another pointless war, let the muzzies blow themselves up, we'll collect the paychecks while you two kill each other.

classic ((()))


What did Colin say? It's a shame a couple million bad apples ruined the bunch?

How much would they flip out if one of the Muslims had a big tattoo of Mohamed on their arse?

My gentleman friend Habib has one. And I shoot his ass with my baby gravy.

If you're shooting it into or near a man's asshole, is it really still 'baby' gravy?

I'll be here, asking the tough questions

You'd all be dead now if it wasn't for my David!