[VIDEO] - Bobby Hates The Jizz Trees of NYC - [2:52]

27  2016-08-14 by red-light


I was near one of these trees and my fat fuck friend was there. I said that it was a jizz tree because it smelled like jizz. He said huh? I don't smell.. Is that what your jizz smells like? Like his doesn't smell that way.. What a piece of shit he is

actin like his jizz dont stink

What a horse's ass.

Opie can't spell Jizz.

Also has to plug his Twitter at the end.what a fag

Of course Opie spells Jizz like a fucking idiot.


Gee thanks fuckin tree nerd


One of my favorite OA videos. I like to watch every Spring when I smell the first jizz tree

Sorry to be off topic here, but I noticed this gem on the side bar of that video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoB5JgUeTY4

God bless davey mac.

Frunkis the gay kid puts women as the image on the video. Trying to cover something up maybe?

I have two of those trees in my back yard, they're horrendous.

The only thing I took away from this video is how fuckin fat Bobby has gotten

I bet the smell makes him hungry for a steak.