Meryl Streep could see Amy Schumer playing her in a biopic

1  2016-08-14 by [deleted]


I could see Amy Schumer playing Candy Crush while eating 12 pancakes.

She really is about a tubby little piggy

No need to exaggerate to tear down this woman. She would eat 6 with a big glass of OJ.


"ew" .com is an accurate url in this case.

I'm tired of this being stated in every "" linked thread. What makes you think freaks that populate a dead radio shows message board would like repetitious hackery?

Not sure what you're saying but thanks for participating in the sub!

I'm going to need you to post more tweets about Amy Schumer.

Too bad she is reserved already for the Roseanne Barr biopic.

Why the fuck would anyone want to see a biopic about Meryl Streep? She isn't like Charlie Chaplin or Frances Farmer where they actually had interesting lives to warrant dramatization. It would just be whoever wearing different costumes and wigs every 10 minutes. "Look! There she is as Meryl Streep as Karen Silkwood! And now look! She's playing Meryl Streep playing Margaret Thatcher!" Enthralling.

Oh, and Amy Schumer's too fat.


Related: Amy Schumer could see Rebel Wilson playing her in a biopic.

Around what age was Meryl a big fat pig cunt?? am I right guys???

But first Schumer needs to get AIDS.

You've been considered the best actress in the world for almost 4 decades but you're still convinced women need some courageous savior to deliver them from some kind of horribly oppressed Dark Age. What the fuck happens to the human brain when you're born with a vagina?

I couldn't see Amy Schumer as Meryl Streep in a "Drunk History" segment


Old Helen Mirren is still hot. I saw her as a military commander in last spring's Eye in the Sky. Even when gruff and dressed down I still could've jacked off to her.

Why the fuck would they make a biopic? She was a great actress, cool. Big fucking deal

I watched about half of shitty Trainwreck last night. Total hack bullshit on the comedy scale but I have to admit the film captures Amy at her physical peak. After shooting she obviously let herself go down the shitter.

Tssss they spelled street wrong Tsss Tsss

Tsst.. she gonna streep off her clothes or sumthin?

Fawwwk yea!!!

Ned Beatty would be more appropriate.


not gonna lie, I would love if Amy sat on my face for a few minutes.