I kind of hope opie will sign and fuck jim norton over.

40  2016-08-14 by Meetme96

Nobody puts opie in a corner......he always wins


Opie has been pulling the strings this entire time. His cold, yet devastatingly precise and perfectly timed genius radio chess moves are incredibly impressive and always unexpected by his enemies. He is truly a fox-like and impressively proficient puppet master of Satellite Radio. He managed to expel his career-long sidekick Andy Cumia, JUST because he didn't like him any more. Jim crossed The Opster and now he's next. Just another foe to cross off Opie's list. Another day, another victory for Gregg "Opie" Hughes. You've been unmade by the best, Morton. Now, go home and get your fuckin' shinebox.

Opie Hughs's has the mind of Sun Tzu, Machiavelli and one of the lesser Hindu deities

And the staying power of Dolly Parton.

Good times ahead for Gregg. It's about time he had some fun. You know what they say:

" If you want the rainbow you've gotta put up with the rain.

And people say she's just a big pair of tits! "


Some may even call him a nimble navigator.


I never knew until this very day, that it was...Opie, all along.

I want Opie to burn his bridge with Jimmy so when siriusxm finally cancels Opieradio he has no one in his corner to back up his lies

Too bad he's too wormy to expose opies bull shit. I wish Sam would pull a scorch on Opie.

Don't we all! I would pay money to hear Sam and Erock dishing out all opies bullshit on air.

I don't think this is out of the question. Erock has taken a lot of shit over the years and Sam loves the drama & shit stirring. It'd probably have to be post-Opieradio and on a podcast but it would be tremendous, more likely it'll be Sam and he's more entertaining anyway. Put him with Jim on a podcast and call it - "Saying Odd Shit To People."

Erock loves his job. Where else can that downsy freak work so little and get paid for it - PLUS, he gets screeners and toys and shit that he likes.

Did I hear something about Scorch!!?? Now there's a man with talent!

Goddamn right, friend.

Paging /u/pfg-ciple

Dude jim is gone in October and not by his choice, opie needed jim right after ant got fired but it's obvious that after the fight opie doesn't want him there anymore. He will be replaced by Sherrod or Vic Henley or some other shithead and opie will finally have the show he wants, a boring pile of steamy shit. Well it's already that but it will get worse.

after the fight opie doesn't want him there anymore.

I've been out of the loop for a while, what fight? Is it on YT anywhere?

Please stay out of the loop.

I'd rather he stay in the loop (noose)

opie was alpha maleing jim in front of hot comedienne Esther Ku, jim let his giant ego took over and started talking back to opie, yes its on utube

Opie is the farthest thing from an alpha male, so even the worm had to speak up

i think jim is the farthest thing from an alpha male, opie is less beta than him. worm spoke up cause he needed to white knight Ku, but soon learnt his mistake and start backtracking b4 the episode ended so thats that

I wish Jim would go do a podcast and only have on porn star wannabes, trannies and whatever other deviants he thinks is "good radio". Then try to monetize it. Charge the same as a SMX sub with O&J and see who get's more listeners. O&J, or "I can't have a normal heterosexual relationship, so I have to try to blame it on sex addiction with trannys" Norton. Would you subscribe to that?

I think if he would make some kind of animated series with his characters he'll find great success and don't need the radio show anymore.

Things are really going to pick up when he gets the new animation studio up and running.

That would make a great kickstarter!

He did that

Oh literal Gin


No use in a hot climate as it only blows hot air.

Am I rite or what?


And I'm still wondering what you look like naked.

Tit for tat nigga


I checked your account and you haven't.

I thought about posting one of my selfies so everyone could see me being all sexy but I worry that someone will make an off color comment about me ass.

Knickers won't be fooled again.


I hope none of them win

the sad fact is that it's Opie's game to call. Jim needs him for money and to shill his comedy show dates. To his everlasting credit, Jimmy basically admitted this in a gentlemanly way in one of his facebook videos recently. Opie is going to have to be the one to make the decision that he can't live this lie anymore, that his psyche is worth more than his paycheck.

do u watch his shit live? can u ask about the cartoon thing next time?

onj? no

The shitty Facebook thing

Opie, for the most part, knows how to make his moves but is ALSO one of the most naive people you could imagine in show biz (or whatever he's relatively related to). He makes moves that are completely polarizing, but that he assumes people should LOVE him for, BECAUSE they're moves that HE made. It's stupendously stupid reasoning that smacks of his mothers choices (just without the showbiz), but he'll never admit to that, or recognize it. He's fucked FOREVER.

i am sure hes really fucked with that 10m he got in the bank

fsociety delete the world mirite

as if Lynsi would allow $10,000,000 to sit in a bank, unspent

TIL Opie had more than one mother.

Opie wins. Opie always wins. Opie is Michael Corleone. Worm is Fredo. Ant is Carlo. Roland is Vito Spatafore. Erock is a downsy Chunk (Goonies). Mixing my references, but go fuck yourselves.

Implying there is an offer on the table

Who listens to this crap anymore? I haven't listened in a year and it was horrible then. Sirius must have a general idea of how many people listen. Even if they sign Opie it will be at a huge pay cut. They should put a clause in that he has to shine Howards shoes twice a week without making eye contact. That I'd watch

Why would that fuck jimmy over?

Because Jimmy will be a side show on TACN making peanuts and interviewing Joe Devito while Opie gets B+/A- celebrities and makes 7 figures.

But image the bridge burning...

the raqio money only 20% of jims income after all

Even if this were true, it ignores the forum to plug his other gigs which make up the other 80%.

i knew, i was just making fun of that time he was playing tough guy right after he sold out and re-signed. he tired to pretend he doesnt need the raqio, hes only doing it for the lulz and he loves to perform

Management loves the direction of the new show. Pros like Vic Henley and Sherrod are ratings gold.

I haven't listened for over a year, and it was crap then. I'm sure that Opie probably won't keep Jimmy, but Jimmy would sign in a heartbeat. It would just be too scary for him to give up that paycheck, and he will never have the balls to do it.

A tell-all, when it does come out, would be something I would pay for, just so that some of the guys Opie shit on would see a little justice.

I don't think that will fuck Jim Norton over. I don't think Jim will re-sign in any case.

I think if he would make some kind of animated series with his characters he'll find great success and don't need the radio show anymore.


Opie Hughs's has the mind of Sun Tzu, Machiavelli and one of the lesser Hindu deities

i am sure hes really fucked with that 10m he got in the bank

fsociety delete the world mirite

TIL Opie had more than one mother.

And I'm still wondering what you look like naked.

Tit for tat nigga

Some may even call him a nimble navigator.

I never knew until this very day, that it was...Opie, all along.