How about trying to be more funny

18  2016-08-13 by Z7ZZ77Z


There's a guy called "Offensive Talk Radio" who is tweeting to Anthony and Keith begging for an audition. Do you gentlemen think his show is any good?


perhaps... but no

Horseshit twitter comment. If they listened to people who watched the show at any point I would still be subscribed because they would have un-fucked themselves. Anthony listens to feedback from Fred from Brooklyn, Big A, and BOBO, all of whom want to blow him (and notably all are retarded, literally).

The fact I know who any of those people are is actually enraging.

I was embarrassed as I typed it.

The people who watch now will watch regardless. He should listen to his ex fans for more subs. There's no such thing as haters.

He is paywall retarded.

i always forget that he does 4 shows a week cuz no one ever talks about. Are there ever any highlights? does he ever do anything on his shows? I have no idea

He yells about liberals and blacks. Sometimes he takes a break to discuss 1970's pop culture with Z list comedians.

I was very surprised to see the "Best of Anthony Cumia" podcast ranked at 108 on iTunes comedy charts. I think a decent amount of people listen. I was not surprised to learn, however, that some of the podcast titles still have the ".mp3" file extension in them.

His fan boys would do a better job for him and for free.

I never hear anything about the "best of" podcast either. U think you'll hear people on social media now & then going "u gotta hear this segment, on the free show! It's great". Promote that shit if it's worth promoting

  • car crash
  • Homer yelling "Be More Funny"
  • Opie's stupid laugh

We actually listen to the people who watch.

So do Big A and Bobo get a consultant fee?

Hey Anthony, how about remember that your racism isn't fucking funny or edgy or anything and that's all you seem to really have on your own. Go lay down and die like the xanax squandering corpse you are.

EDIT: Speaking of Xanax squandering corpses, how you doin /u/stinkskc?

I'm okay, drinking a tall can about to smoke a little weed than go to work ! So actually I'm doing great . how are you pal?

I'm right there with ya buddy.

To be fair, Ant's show is the least racist show on the network.

whats this gay shit

Gorilla Lives Matter


I wish I could draw a Venn Diagram for this moron to show what watch and listen mean

I might watch it every once in a while if it's free.

Just telling you what 90% of your old fans actually are thinking.


My show is so irrelevant my own subreddit closed down. Thank god I hitched my wagon to Gavin McKinnes. At least I learned alittle something from the little worm Norton


The fact I know who any of those people are is actually enraging.