Hi girls with daddy issues

12  2016-08-13 by Dennyislife


Great relevant reference grandpa

Can someone please tell me who Clark Gable is? I'm only 40

Gone With the Wind guy

Can someone please tell me what Gone with the wind is? I'm only 40

A VHS tape my parents had under the tv set when i was a kid

Hi I'm in my 20s, what's a vhs?

It's the reason we have internet porn.

It killed the betamax.

Thy should have called it betavhs

I watched Taboo 2 on VHS, it's the reason I'm a broken person.

he was also a nazi and all-around good guy

The saddest part is you know that was the best picture he could pick out of the 30 minute poolside selfie photoshoot he had. I can only imagine Anthony swiping through 50 near-identical pictures with a frustrated look on his face before settling on the least ghoulish one and putting a witty 40's reference with it.

He really does think having a pool makes him look rich. I know guys making less than 30k/year with pools. It don't mean shit. Fucking white trash Arab.

Does Anthony ever reference anything within the past decade?

His girlfriends' date of birth.

Boy, both him and Scorch just living the high life and busy with acting. Glad he found time to catch us all up on it.

What a creep

He might have a McMansion but that actually looks like a lovely garden.

A nice pool decor helps to lure in those 'tweens.

I'm like Clark Gabel. If Clark Gabel was a sand nigger.

What is he learning lines for? Is that for the movie Gavin is making?

"Not guilty, your honour."

"Based on my past history I thought she was a man, your honor."

He plead guilty you fucking idiot.

You're aware that I mean Ant is rehearsing for future court pleas? Like, when the Feds take his laptops etc.

Also, going down your line of thought, Ant did originally plead not guilty. So, shut the fuck up.

He said the other day he was going to be in Gavin's new movie. But he couldn't talk about it further.

and girls with daytime blindness

He's really more of an Al Jolson.

More like Dark Gaydull

Every pic of Ant really needs a ghostly Patric O'Neal photoshopped in them.

define "girls"

Get that seaweed off your forehead.

He looks fawkin zooted.

Fawk yeah!

What the fuck is he talking about learning his lines? He can't even do show prep and no one in their right mind would let this pariah anywhere near their project.

His hair looks like wet pubic hair

I didn't know Clark gable fucked trannies and underage girls

Still fuck him

A VHS tape my parents had under the tv set when i was a kid