The Opester's latest attempt to go viral

14  2016-08-13 by chrb13


If Todd Pettengill was making these the b-b-b-b boys would rip him to shreds. But Greggshells does it and it doesn't even get a mention on air.

Yeah this is Mister Donnie Trumpendoodle and I wanna build a wall out of graham crackers.

"Uh sir, that seems like an awful idea."

"Well I'm gonna do it anyway, turkey!"

Rinse and repeat for the next 15 minutes

I used to think Gregg had an IQ somewhere in the normal range. Now I'm convinced he is intellectually disabled. Retarded. Gregg Hughes is retarded.

And not even a nice retarded. A narcissistic and toxic retarded.

My favorite retards are neither narcissistic nor toxic. I like the ones with pica and echolalia.

And he gets paid millions to entertain. To entertain!

He pays someone to make these? Disgusting.

I just noticed that he's deleted several critical comments on the video. At least a couple were saying how he wasn't missed last week and the show was better without him.


I feel really bad for the sweatshop chinaman that has to piece together these garbage videos

i don't much care for the yellow man myself, you see, but even I would rather see them put down instead of subjected to this man's loathsome attempts at humor

Here's hoping there's a clause in Opie's Trump Place resident's agreement that allows Trump to evict him.


"there's a HACK on my house!"

This retarded cocksucker is 53 and still wants to go viral. It's over, Ope. Fade into obscurity already.

"I've had a bunch of viral videos."

He has only 1 video that comes close uploaded 7 years ago of a homeless guy singing a song filmed by an intern.

I can see where Opie would hate rich kids. It was tough growing up as a kid with a SMALL vacation home! And his first car wasn't even new!

powdered milk!


I wish this man would die.

just when I thought he wasn't the worst of the three of them... he pulls me back in

You can really tell that he's a student of comedy.

I hope someone shoots up his school.

I hope Trump wins and deports Opie to a third world country.

fucking transparent titted-faggot.........he DISGUSTS ME in a way words havent yet been invented to describe

he trying to show Reddit & "the haters" that they havent "WON".

"LENNON" in 6 years will PRAY......that her father will have the same fate as THE Lennon.....

on Central Park coincidentally

Isn't she a waterhead? Wouldn't have "Lemon" been more appropriate?

I would almost give Opie a pass on these, if I believed that he truly thought they were funny. But he's proved to have absolutely zero sense of humor, so it's just even more transparent and infuriating.

fucking embarrassing

Greg doesn't actually make these right? He's like mr. Brainwash but with shitty YouTube videos.

Did Opie just sign up for JibJab?

This is fucking terrible. I am actually that this older man paid to have this shite made.

Viral Spiraling down the drain.

Jesus fucking christ.

What the fuck was that? Must be a video to entertain bams retarded 2 year old that hot accidentally posted, or does opie think this is what o and a listeners enjoy?

Quit linking to Opie's channel you fucking retards.

Holy shit he actually does have aspergers doesn't he? I thought people were just being mean but he is an honest to God aspie.

I don't even watch these anymore, I just down vote and write some negative shit on his Twitter... Every bit of critism takes its tole on the opster

Good thing he put a watermark on the video, just in case someone wanted to steal it.

What on earth is this shit