Will Gavin address US women's soccer losing; & Hope Solo calling the Swedes, cowards?

0  2016-08-13 by bobomobile


Ain't gonna hear from that dumb cunt no more

Seeing the word 'Gavin' is the easiest way for me to not give a fuck about anything that the name is in regard to. Doesn't even matter which Gavin anymore. That lispy mouthed desperate cunt fag ruined the word.

I bet she's a demon in the sack.

All these fat punk rock chicks Gav dated had nicer vag.

America is the only place that gives even the smallest fuck about women's football and its only just starting to give a fuck about football. No wonder you lot think its shit when the women's game is watched by millions

Soccer is a sport that should only be played by Women and Children.

It already is.

come back to me when your contact sports are not wearing pads and helmets like pussys. Even your catching sports the men have gloves as to not hurt their hands


Your country is shit at all sports.

yeah well we invented most of them. We can sit back and be shit at them.

Your fighting a losing battle dude, iv tried.. Let them play there silly hand ball and stick games. One day they will be mature enough to play real sports

I like soccer, played my whole life...only thing I think about the USWNT is Hope Solo's awful looking pussy. Good keeper though.

Still gets millions watching them in world cups though right?