Streams Crossing On Drunkitt.

38  2016-08-13 by andreasbaader6


Those people are a bit over dramatic.

I was thinking "Hey, i'm an alcoholic, I should browse this sub"... Made it into the 2nd post and tapped out, what a bunch of whiny faggots. Now I need a drink.

Its like, how are homeless people or whatever they were clucking about a MAJOR issue, but the fact that every other comment was about how drunk they are isn't?

This very moment I want to go get more beer but I cant because my road is closed. The douchebag across the street dug up the gas line in an excavator her rented (call before you dig folks). I couldn't care less if his house explodes and his kills his family, I want more beer. I'm a selfish fuckin' drunk. Fuck the worlds problems

I want to go get more beer but I can't because a grown man can't get beer past nine PM in this incredible shithole of a province.

I have until 1 am, here in NY. I used to live by a Indian run gas station that would sell me beer at like 5 am, just ring me up for a sub or something. Then again I started buying beer there when I was 16, they didn't give a fuck (DVV DVV).

I bought three hurricane beers yesterday and I'm surprised that I still have them tonight. I've been drinking a lot less since I've been taking kratom. I even have a 16 oz Bud Ice that I got with a six pack yesterday. All that shit would've been gone before.


how do you take it? powder as a tea?

Either way you want, I just put a small amount of water in my mouth, put 3 tsps in my mouth and drink it all down with more water. I'd recommend less kratom if you're new.


No problem.

Literally impossible where I am. There are no private liquor stores. All the liquor stores are run by the government with strict oversight.

Looks like someone isn't a proper Canadian with a liquor stash. Hey I hear Germany is accepting goofy hill people who don't know anything about booze.

I know that I should be allowed to buy alcohol in the middle of the night. I hear China is accepting people who never have a problem with anything their government does.

This is really disappointing, because I thought Canada was so cool, like some sort of mecca. I mean there was that whole border stop fiasco in which a friend and I were banned from your country. I thought it was just like a few shitty bouncers who wouldn't let me in a club, and if I came back later maybe I could get in.

US is way better. Better guns, better alcohol, better entertainment. Only better things about Canada are that we have better Indians and better canoe tripping spots.

I hate the government and I hate being sober. You're going to find no enemy here. Except for that time I insulted you.

If I can find an enemy in everyone else in my life I can find an enemy in you, /u/TriangleDimes, if that is your real name.

No we don't. This fag can stay the fuck at his boozeless home.

Just Turkroaches?

It's hard to imagine someone resorting to alcoholism in such a cultured and economically developed area.

Id step on a homeless mans face if got in the way of me and booze.


THOSE PEOPLE tend to be.

People with crippling alcoholism tend to dabble in extremes

The entire fucking sub is in comic sans. That's a cry for help. Involuntary-euthanasia-style help.

Is 'alcohol' a code word for semen on that board? Sure seems like it.

Glug glug, you fucking faggots

Alkies are so fucking hateable

All kikes?

Of course the subreddit full of drunks is just a bunch of self righteous, long winded douchebags who have probably never donated a single can of soup to a food shelter beating each other off about the systematic problem of homelessness destroying the country. That video is honestly one of Opie's funniest moments. Every time someone asks me how much I've had to drink I say "A coople of beehas" in Andrew's voice and they just stare at me like the asshole I am.

That video is honestly one of Opie's funniest moments.

The funniest part is how proud he was of that stupid dumpster cake. Literally the equivalent of setting a real person's house on fire.

I hope bad shit follows him around Let us introduce ourselves, we are r/opieandanthony

We are we are. The opieandant sub . we are we are

Anyone know this guy?

You! Know me.. I thought we were friends :(

Jesus Ian, I was joking.. Don't go and do a David carradine on me..

I went at it with them one time, bottom comment. There's some good copypasta there too, one guy wrote me two GIGANTIC posts to one of my two or three sentence replies. I DO NOT ENCOURAGE anyone going over there and trying to start anything because they love pouring themselves out into the keyboard.

"Maybe if you put as much effort into repairing your broken life as you did this giant post, you wouldn't visit the place"


You should bring up that she told you she was commenting while out at dinner with her friend just a few hours later, but in responding to someone else the next day she admitted she just stayed home and ordered food with her S/O.

I'm not even gonna bother but thanks for letting me know.

Just the fact that she knows she lied is enough. The seed is there, whether or not it will sprout or just wither and die like every other potential warning sign she's subconsciously seen has yet to be seen.

The sad thing is people like that aren't hopeless, they're just stubborn. Self-destructively and severely stubborn. The good ones quit eventually. Also I'm not taking a Jimmy stand on alcohol or anything but when you're feeling the need to tell other people, especially strangers, how bad your shit's become, it's because you know on the inside it's probably time to stop.

You're just making your last claw for external reinforcement and enabling when you're telling strangers on the internet your real life friends are leaving because of as Jimmy would say 'your drinkin' and druggin.' At that point, you just desperately want to hear from other people "Hey, everyone is leaving me too! Let's be alone semi-together through this computer screen!"

It's funny that someone posts a pity story in a place called Crippling Alcoholics but then tries to say their life is so fun and fulfilling when challenged.

That hole is actually on here saying the show is terrible like it's going to get to somebody.

Looks like she got her shit completely wrecked before I even got a chance to get here.

I love you assholes.

Life is crazy. That video he posted from your history... I know that guy.

You fucking know Todd? You better tell me if It's a bit or not.

I do. I used to have him on my facebook, but he blocked me for making fun of his shitty food. It's 100% not a bit. My friends and I remix his videos with other lowlifes.

You're TheWiseMensCommittee? If you're not bullshitting me, I've been a fan of your videos of Todd, Emil and everyone else in that autistic "Youtube Malt Liquorverse." for a long time. Especially that one guy who rides the lawnmower around and eats those family packs of frozen ribs, they're fucking hilarious.

I haven't been watching Todd as much as I used to but I always thought he was playing a character. Same with Emil. If you really know them though and say It's not a bit, I'll believe you. Didn't you have a channel where you drank too? Something Madman? I know you're not the MetalMadMan but didn't you have an account of something to that effect?

He enjoys sniffing women's farts. That's the one sentence that accurately sums up Todd.

I'm a member, there are several of us. None of those guys in the videos put on an act. Glad you like the videos though. I wish I could find the used panties video, but I can't. A true classic.

Post that copypasta bullshit. Wtf is copypasta you acted like you got me cause my post was being copied. The comment where I basically bent you over for a good while. You didn't read it though so you thought I GOTCHA! Nope. I'm actually proud of my accuracy. Have fun watching people die as you plan your next on-line shit piece about how people with cancer are looking for attention.

Aww hey cutie. Dont we know each other?

Oh yeah I'm the cunt that called you out for what you are. You just need to stop putting your opinions out in the public. No one in that thread was going out of their way to try and make people feel worse about their bullshit. But like I said in those GIGANTIC posts you sound like the most egotistical opinionated fuckhead. Looking at all the shit you say on Reddit, you just cant fucking help yourself to judge and make up lies about people going through some struggle when you know 0 about them.

I can see you now on your O&A soapbox preaching to your version of weak minded people while no one listens because your an absolute nobody. The only thing you have on here is hitting up people that could be really struggling and through online anonymity and 0 accountability you go around spreading what you actually believe is a good thing to do or say.

Don't want to type anymore. I know how you feel about GIGANTIC posts hahahhaha you fucking absolute waste of air.

Real quick though I noticed you go on some sub on here called watchpeopledie alot and even argue with THOSE people. What happened as a child? Did dad perform the first wiffle ball bat challenge on you when he was drunk? I also came across a pm someone screenshotted about your Wonderful insight on suicide. You might be the most ignorant fuck I've seen in years. I know you won't read this cause it's exhausting apparently to read a decently long string of words but hey it still feels good too type out how much of a pompous delusional fuck with no ability to question what the fuck you are spewing out of your mouth kinda guy.

For all you supah fans. The show is terrible now and has been for years. Besides when Patrice was in studio. What happened to This sub is aids. I loved O&A back in the day religiously when Ant wasnt a 14 year old that can't keep away from Twitter. Opie is as funny as AddidentalRenaissanc thinking he knows what he talks about.

Thank you for verifying that even when chicks are drunk they're still unfunny and boring as shit.

You guys are getting me through my shift will all of these dumb comments.. Thank you.

Just want to point out, not everything is a bit. I don't know how this is even an insult. You think me pointing out how much of a piece of trash this kid is was supposed to be funny? What you said was even less funny then me calling this faggot out for what he is.

Also do any of you ignorant fucks actually look shit like this and go 'hmmm maybe this guy is right, going after people.. Especially about suicide and making them feel worse just to make yourself feel like you are better then them is fucked' I know you don't cause it's the internet and you have to keep up this online funny guy persona. But what that guy did was awful. Imagine someone actually got pushed over the edge because he told the person to fucking do it. Youre lying if you'd say anything besides knowing that is fucked up.

You guys need to stop acting like this guy is anything but straight up attacking people that are in shit they don't want to have either. It's so funny to be a guy that inserts his shitty hateful opinion for no reason to people that actually need help, I FORGOT.

Sorry man! For I was supposed to be funny for you. Go recite something you was in a movie or a quote from your favorite comedian so you can feel all better.

Your "shift?" Oh no, you work at either food service or retail. And you're a miserable degenerate drunk? This is just sad now.

mods, ban this faggotry

Ban me for what? Calling out some faggot that is actually not funny at all and seriously goes around to spout his verbal aids. It's really cool to go around and just insert your delusional thoughts when you could have not attacked people and I wouldn't have to post this?

Please ban me. It means everything this scumbag does is fine by you guys. It's only until I point it out people will get uppity. Probably give me shitty one liners and all send supporting messages to him saying "we believe in your opinions baby". Don't worry we won't let any faggotry get in the way of you becoming a serial killer.

"she was commenting while out at dinner with her friend just a few hours later, but in responding to someone else the next day she admitted she just stayed home and ordered food with her S/O."

If you want a undistilled bottle of ethanol to kill yourself with I can arrange that for you.

I love how she never replied to you after this.

Actually I did. I've been responding to everyone I can mostly because this shit is to easy. You think 'this' comment would be the one that did me in?

He doesn't even know I'm not the person her quoted. I'm the person that accurately called you out for how useless you are. You didn't read a comment that completely ripped your life apart AND REPOSTED IT!!! To make it seem like I was the crazy one. So fucking hilarious.

I gotta keep up with ya. See what other wacky things you say. I'm sure it'll be some type of judgemental self love fest.

Cheers bro. This beer is for you. Made my weekend.

Feeling triggered?

I'm not the OP you dummy. Im just the guy that called out one of your O&A dirtbags. Apparently you guys really like him because the protection for a clear scumbag is impressive. You think you would have some common sense and realize just cause you apparently think I'm worse because I'm being sensitive, when in reality I have s thing called compassion for people struggling.

I know you can't grasp that concept because you are so edgy and think any one that cares is a pussy. Meanwhile you probably just listen to every episode and right down Jimmy's jokes to use later. You have less humor then cancer. BE MORE FUNNY. See I can quote them, I was one of you guys when the show wasn't such a pile of AIDS.

And I'd rather drink bleach because I'm more comfortable with hearing that insult that you switched the words of. Common man, that's an old used way to tell people how to kill themeelves. Go cuddle with your clueless fan bros. And keep being ignorant you nobody.

You think we still like O&A&J? Browse more faggot.


I'd rather be water boarded then go back in posts to see why you guys don't like a show when I already knew it before Anthony was canned.

Plus I got a good example of the type of communication and stupid from this thread alone. Thanks for the offer though faggot.


And if was faaabbbbbbbbuuulllloooouuussss

This is the rantings of a retarded woman.

So this is Bonnies famous sister?

Holy shit, that's a call-back and a half, nice one

Bake a pie, broad!

How dare you insult Opie. Don't you know long he's been in the business?



Feeling triggered?

Hey you responded! Nah bud I feel great. You should probably get some energy and use your droopy depressed eyes and read what I said about you.

It's 100% true and it's fucking worse then I thought. What are your hobbies? You clearly think highly of your options where it seems like your a psychic! You know peoples personal life from behind a computer. You probably have a hit list of people that have disagreed with you. When you kill them do you give them a gun and rant about how right you are until they are so dumbfounded you are allowed to think they shoot themself? You did that was rhetorical.

Also do you go on that morbid watch people die thing to wack the bag. Cause you're such a demented person? I wish they could do a case study on you to insure a person with your similar traits never happen.

You're not used to hearing the truth I know thats the real reason you never read.. You come off as a egomaniac that probably has never accepted your behavior or opinion is wrong and you only pick on people he know would be easy cause behind the screen you just are some superfan. Gets called out for what you are, a giant unfunny vile pussy.

Ahhhhh that felt good. Now go back to your inside jokes with your edgy buddies here. This actually made me feel great even if you didnt read it cause I'm right it's still here. By chance you do read it, that triggered comment is for you not me.

Gotta type alot cause with a person like you there's an incredible amount of scum I have to cover so essentially it's your fault this is long.

Feeling triggered?

Look at all those angry boozebags/societal burdens in that thread. Go drink mouthwash and calm down.

I used to watch Intervention drunk and would laugh my ass off, this one bitch was drinking Listerine to get drunk, the pathetic cunt. Then one day I watched it after smoking a joint. Shit was depressing as fuck. Never again.

Edit: typo

That kills a lot of the helpful bacteria in your intestinal tract I hope someone wisen'd her up a tad.

Yeah that's the only thing wrong with drinking Listerine to get drunk

Should've gone with Scope, tastes better.

That place is like r/depression. It's great to talk to people who know what you're going through, but good god all that is happening is enablers enabling each other in their self pity.

That font tho

Anthony will sometimes take it so far that even I, as someone who LOVES offensive comedy/swearing/not taking things seriously, will get uncomfortable and change to a different podcast when he goes way too deep down the rabbit hole doing his Andrew Dice Clay schtick.

I thought this was going to be about his eugenics rant or something, but somehow it's his Dice impression that takes it too far?

Maybe Ant was doing his Andrew Dice Gay bit.

I love how every time this is posted somewhere, there are people who talk about how they "should find that asshole." As if he's not incredibly easy to find.

i'd post his address openly, if it wasn't for site rules, his family, human decency and so on.

The gift that keeps on giving folks.

These people just aren't committed enough. They spend too much time posting on reddit and not enough on drinking. Faggots.

Opie's funny moments were the hang ups and the cake stomp but nothing that's ever actually come out of his mouth.

Ugh what an abomination of a subreddit.

Yes we are

The homeless guy in that video is obviously an alcoholic. That's what's really fucked up. The guy who stomped the cake is an alcoholic. He's just projecting his dependence through cake stomping. That's really fucked up. Everything's really fucked up.


What a bunch of faggoty fucks.

With the zoom thats a quality stomp

Anyone know where the burn the homeless clip from O&A is?



So this video is cool to you all?

No, I feel really really bad for the ground faggot.


I get you're trying to be offensive and shit because I just started reading this sub and that seems to be what you all thrive on.

But like come on.. Even if you like these guys (which everyone here must). You dont see something wrong with this video?

Even if you like these guys (which everyone here must).

Boy are you in for a surprise.

Who does this sub like and who don't they like if I may ask?

Rad Dudes Mediocre Dudes Bad Dudes
Patrice O'Neil Rich Vos Anthony Cumia
Colin Quinn Bobby Kelly Gregg 'Opie' Hughes
Norm MacDonald Nick DiPaolo Jimmy Norton

For more information, please consult these Power Rankings of the O&A universe (make sure to sort by top).

I can't see formated stuff on my phone

I spent hours slaving over a hot keyboard to prepare that table for you

Haha I know you didn't but thanks still. I use Reddit is fun app so I can't see formatted shit. It's just a lot of jumbled letters and shit to me

In all seriousness here:

This poll has who we like and who we don't like. Bear in mind that's it's pretty much solely based on who is funniest, and the three main characters in the O&A universe aren't funny anymore.

I read that post and thanks for the link. Nobody there is glorifying him which is cool.

I'm reading this whole sub a bit and it seems like a mix of fuckers who wanna be edgy and a mix of adults.

Its very rad you guys don't condone this shit because I thought you did. But I can see now you dont

I still think you're supporting dumb fucks (as the people in your polls are eye people present during the vids I linked). The people from that poll still are awful.

But they're not as bad as he is

No no, we do. We pretend not to when we spread the video around to ruin Opie's reputation, but many feel that cake stomp was the best thing he ever did for the show.

Was it better than staging a fake homeless talent show and then breaking someone each instrument?

I smell a power rankings of cruelty to homeless in the works. Rank each time they exploited the weak and vulnerable by how funny it was.

exploited the weak and vulnerable

Linking to crippling alcoholism should be a candidate despite it never being an O&A bit.


Truly you guys /this sub is a bunch of edgy teens

I'm 28. Nice try with the hate tho

Come back here and shut up!

I got that fifth I sat in my buddy's car drinking it and cried.

Sounds like these teens have it a lot better than you, huh, /u/Very_legitimate?

I wrote this shiiy at a hard time. I've literally went from a car living piece of shit to a home owner. I fucking bought a house today

Great. I'll start a pool where we can place bets on how long it takes your pathetic alcoholic self to fall off the rails again and get forclosed on.

I'll take place in that bet. I'd eager 6 months

I'm still doing more than you fucks are. I have a fucking house what do you fucks have?

I've been a home owner since I was 22 and I earn a very good wage doing work I enjoy. Also, I'm not an alcoholic failure.


tss yeah why don't you celibate buy a house or sumptin i don't know


This subreddit universally condemned Gregg Hughes and his homeless-abusing ways, that poor man eeearrrrrned dat dumpster cake.

Does this sub actually condemn that shit tho? I'm not a regular reader here.

I dont know all these fuckers names 100%

But Opie Is the red hair guy in link from my OP at CA? Why don't people hate him? He's abused homeless on multiple occasions

Why don't people hate him?

Put your drink down for five minutes and take a look around here.

Put your drink down for five minutes

If he could do that we wouldn't even have this thread.

I wont put my drinking down but I'll have a look around


You sound like a white person who should be raped.


Once you've seen a beheading everything else is tame. Go to liveleak for a week.

Haha liveleak is just videos. Spend a year homeless and then tell me about the real world. You won't find this shit funny anymore

Obviously getting murdered on camera is fucking bad.. But that's completely unrelated also.

Stomping on cakes was just videos.

It wasn't just a video. He fucking made fun of him

Why do you think this was just a video

It was actually a good thing the cake was stomped on. Andrew ended up being the poison cake rapist.

It's a good thing in that it has weny somewhat viral and people see what a piece of shit he is

Every 8 months some new group of people get mad at it for 35 minutes. Then they move on to the next thing to be mad about that doesn't effect their lives at all. This subbreddit actually started up the hate again with this video recently. Not because of some false sense of justice but because they hate Opie and it's funny to see him squirm.

I personally don't give a fuck about it. It's over. It happened almost a decade ago. The drug war...still going. Mass surveillance, still going. Completely corrupt banking structure, still going strong. Indefinite imprisonment of US citizens without trail was passed in 2012. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE OUTRAGE FOR THE SHIT THAT MATTERS?! The fact that you came here from a subbreddit about addiction and you aren't constantly talking about the fact that drug addiction is a crime instead of a mental health issue is deplorable. We are all worse or just as bad as Opie Hughes. We're all complicit in this fucking shithole we call a society. I've had enough. You've sent me over the edge. I might go dive into a volcano.

You've awoken a primal urge. I'm going to go eat a small animal alive.

I appreciate your response. But I struggle with homeless every day on and off.

You should give a fuck by the way. This kinda shit is normal life

I'm a drunk piece of shit faggot fucker drunk. I deal with this shit daily.

Don't support him please . Please do not support or encourage any fucker who advocated this scene. It's wrong.

We are out here and have enough shit to put up with for real

And this video matters because fuckers treat us like this daily. This kinda 's normal life. Being fucking taunted and assaulted is life when you stay on the street

You're just going to keep saying the same bullshit without actually understanding what people say? NOBODY LIKES OPIE HERE. But we aren't such little faggots that this is the cause we feel we need to take up. Most people here have no fucking hope and it has nothing to do with that fat titted radio show host.

Start trying to end the drug war and maybe you'd actually help some homeless people.


I have no idea what this means. Start worrying about shit you can control. Stop wasting your time weirdo.

And ya ya look I work 2 fucking full time jobs. I fucking understand why dude is a drunk in the videos.

There's just no excuse. ,
Fuck him. I hope he experiences the spiral that all of us homeless go thru.

My mind is mare up and he's a piece of shit and I think nobody should support him, his crew or anyone affiliated with these worthless fucks

And man I have read around this sub reddit

You guys are guys are a legitimate hats sub. You just make fun of folks


Those must be some great hats Ted. What are they made of?


Have you had any famous customers buy a hat from you?


That doesnt sound like a great business model, have you got a return/refund policy as the hats are mo very durable?

You fucked up

We also offer the best in hat removal services.


Gas yourself.

hats sub. heh

This bleeding-heart lush needs a hat-removal service.

You don't know the real world until you're homeless. He works 2 full time jobs. Pan-handling and sucking cock in park restrooms.

Exactly, so he doesn't have it ALL bad, all the juicy peckahs he could ever want....

You're a civilian. You just don't understand.

watch out for ol' vodka fingers over here

fucking gold jerry, hilar

Can I be a meme plz?

If I can get a swill of that

Go move in with him. Lol he said you can live for free and he'll get you wasted


Would you like a drink? We have a full bar.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

He killed a dog by kicking it in the liver and threw rocks at an old woman in the neighborhood who was raking leaves because his friend said she was a witch. He has a long history of doing shitty things.

Wow he's a really true piece of shit

He fucking made fun of him

Which is FAR worse than having your head struck off by a goat-fucking barbarian.

Please do your binge-drinking in the driver's seat of a moving car and not at a computer.

O lol

If you read these shitty clickbait sites without any ounce of irony, you need to be hanged from the closest tree to you.

  • Avoid linking to r/CA. It's our happy little community – we don't want to ruin that.

Or don't. Whatever.

Kill yourself (slowly with substance abuse.)

I spent hours slaving over a hot keyboard to prepare that table for you

He killed a dog by kicking it in the liver and threw rocks at an old woman in the neighborhood who was raking leaves because his friend said she was a witch. He has a long history of doing shitty things.

Every 8 months some new group of people get mad at it for 35 minutes. Then they move on to the next thing to be mad about that doesn't effect their lives at all. This subbreddit actually started up the hate again with this video recently. Not because of some false sense of justice but because they hate Opie and it's funny to see him squirm.

I personally don't give a fuck about it. It's over. It happened almost a decade ago. The drug war...still going. Mass surveillance, still going. Completely corrupt banking structure, still going strong. Indefinite imprisonment of US citizens without trail was passed in 2012. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE OUTRAGE FOR THE SHIT THAT MATTERS?! The fact that you came here from a subbreddit about addiction and you aren't constantly talking about the fact that drug addiction is a crime instead of a mental health issue is deplorable. We are all worse or just as bad as Opie Hughes. We're all complicit in this fucking shithole we call a society. I've had enough. You've sent me over the edge. I might go dive into a volcano.

You've awoken a primal urge. I'm going to go eat a small animal alive.

So this is Bonnies famous sister?

I'm a member, there are several of us. None of those guys in the videos put on an act. Glad you like the videos though. I wish I could find the used panties video, but I can't. A true classic.