Paulie Walnuts goes to see a psychic. The Sopranos really was one of the best shows on television

26  2016-08-12 by Ant_Sucks


Best show ever. Love the few episodes where the t1000 starts gambling away his sporting goods store

Robert Patrick is such an underrated actor. Anyone who has the range to go from a cold, menacing killing machine to such a pathetic fucking douchebag is in the upper tier of acting ability.

Ramsey sports and outdoor was a shitty store.


"FUCKIN' QUEERS!", this shit makes me laugh so hard. Probably the funniest scene in the whole show. I also love when Paulie and Chris are arguing, and the waiter comes to say they didn't tip enough. The way Paulie says "Chrissy, he's fucked up" after Chris hits the waiter in the head with a rock is so perfect.

That and the Pine Barrens ep when Chris says "We shoulda stopped at Roy Rogers."

'I shoulda fucked Dale Evans, but I didnt!'

Tony Sirrico is the fuckin man.

hey friend you can type


at the end of your youtube link to timestamp at 4:24.

I didn't know this for awhile, and now i want anyone who doesn't know to be enlightened.

We live and we learn am i right fellas?

I know. But honestly, I didn't want to automatically skip anything because the whole clip is worth viewing. I was just showing where that particular quote was.

ahh i figured it was something like that.

i never watched sopranos but i know i've seen that youtube clip before. there's enough stuff on youtube that you wouldn't even need to watch the show to like the characters

I highly recommend you start watching. No joke; it will likely be the best show you're ever gonna see. Just use if you don't have an HBO GO account. (The popups are annoying when you first click on something, but they're harmless. Just X out of them once they show up. You'll quickly pick up on the pattern, and never be caught off guard by their popups again.)

Dude! i just checked the website out.. For your own sake download some kinda adblocker (ublock origin)

I've tried and failed to learn the ways of "torrenting" but have never had an awful time watching shit illegally as long as i had an adblocker.

I have only one site that i use for movies(through self experience it must be the same as the pop-ups you're describing), and another for random shows i was interested in, but some kinda adblocker will apparently prevent that pop-up shit.

Honestly the only reason i don't try to watch it is because the only addiction i'm closely susceptible to besides alcohol is video games and good TV shows

Also, if you wanna start with a good one just to know if you'd like it, watch "Pine Barrens."

Will do.

Chris' intervention is up there too.


"I came into the Bing one morning and your head was in the toilet. Your hair was touching the toilet water. Disgusting."

There's also the scene right after Tony kills Ralph and calls Christopher over to help him.Chris shows up high as a kite and his response to Tony's accusation is the funniest shit ever but also some of the best acting you'll ever see. "I DED ET"

In that clip Chris tells Tony that he's gonna die of a heart attack by the time he turns 50. And then Gandolfini died of a heart attack at age 51. Damn.


I fucking love this segment.

"This is black magic. Fuckin' sick shit!" lol

He was gay, Gary Cooper?

NOOO! Are you listening to me??

I watch the Sopranos almost as much I listen to old O&A...Essential.

Samses. Gandalfili was astonishingly good. They all were.

Except Meadow and AJ.

That scene with meadow doing a strip tease for finn at the beginning of season 3 (I think) is stored in my wank bank forever

Edit - I need to jerk it now

I wish she'd kept her long hair though.

I finished watching it shortly before Gandolfini died. I should go through it all again.

Started the series the summer he died, finished it around Christmas. It's the only show I will never tire of.

"Yeah....I guess you can call that a dick".

''The spirit put 'em on hold'' he says it with a smirk like he's talking to his buddy.

Blabber mouth cunt!

Bobby had a 12 inch rubber cock hanging out the front of his trousers to make Tony laugh..

"We saw a sign saying 'Bear left', so we went home."

I think its the best show ever. Never jumped on the breaking BAnDwagon. Id say season 1 of bloodline is up there too though

Bloodline was amazingly-shot, contrived bullshit. The storyline was pretty basic and the youngest son was beyond unbearable. Can't wait to watch season 2.

I really love that ben mettleson dude. Psyched for him in rogue one. What new shows did you think are good?

Mr Robot was pretty good. You should definitely watch breaking bad. There are some truly excellent episodes and moments that are unrivalled. Currently watching Deadwood for the first time. If you haven't already, you should watch Justified.

You should give BB a try. Nothing will beat Sopranos though.

The Wire, season one of True Detective, Deadwood are all up there too in my factual opinion.

Totally,with you on all of those

Great, thanks Ian. Now I can never watch Bloodline.

Just joking buddy.

Not really.

They don't have it in Brazil. Its about America

Lol dude BB definitely rivals Sopranos. First season is a little slow but once you get toward the end of the second you wont be able to stop watching and will see why.

BB definitely rivals Sopranos

Not even close.

Good show but does not compare to The Sopranos.

I dont think the BB series as a whole can be considered "not even close" to anything, but thats just me I guess.

The problem for me with Breaking Bad was the inconsistent tone of the series. One minute Walt is raping his wife and the next he's blowing up a gas station by putting a squeegee on a car battery and having a cool guys don't look at explosions walking away in slow mo sequence. Apparently there were no security cameras anywhere near that gas station either because ya know it's never an issue he doesn't get in any trouble for blowing up a fucking gas station with a bunch of witnesses around. Ya know one minute it's a very serious crime drama and then the next they're doing wacky hijinks with giant magnets and it's fucking stupid. It was just all over the place.

I havent seen it in a while and I remember there were security cameras in that gas station, and all I remember them blowing up was Tuco's apartment(and yeah...that walk away and weirdness that no one was hurt at all, I guess there are imperfections here and there) but I hate so many movies and tv shows, it was great to find something totally engaging and enjoyable for me. I think just as a series that tells a story its one of the best ever, I dont mind the occasional tonal shift or comedic relief because its minimal and for the MOST part its a crime drama, I dont think it switches tone that often if it does, idk if thats what you think Im not saying youre wrong...I hope you at least had a field day with hating the last season of Game of Thrones then....

idk if thats what you think Im not saying youre wrong

Wait... what?

I hope you at least had a field day with hating the last season of Game of Thrones then

I don't watch that show. There's too many shows now. It's impossible to keep up.

The first sentence meant "opinions on tv shows are subjective, if thats what you thought about it, I personally thought BB was a great series but we can agree to disagree and thats fine". And if you were really critical about BB I would love to hear what you had to say about GoT. IMO it was an absolute masterpiece through 4/5(there was quite a bit wrong with season 5 but it still hung on as a great show), and season 6 just nosedived off a fucking cliff. Just AWFUL corny dumbed-down writing. Turned it into a series of cliche, plot-hole filled stupidity that it was always the antithesis of. Would actually be very interested in what someone who thought Breaking Bad was a bad show thought about it because I thought BB was EASILY one of the best series as a whole of all time and I'm usually VERY unintentionally cynical about alot of shit.

I never said Breaking Bad was a bad show. It was a very good show. At times it was a great show but overall it had a lot of dumb moments that held it back.

Lol I'm usually on your side of these types of comment exchanges, but I thought it was so good at its best that a few silly moments didnt drag it down that much.

I argue this with a friend who is a huge fan of the series. He refuses to acknowledge this fact.

The writing was great at times, but could go incredibly lazy/hacky. Every line in Sopranos was true to the characters and the humor was generated from subtle dialogue true to each character. It was perfect writing.

The writers of breaking bad sold out. I think the biggest flaw was an imperfect balance trying to keep walt somewhat righteous and likeable. To keep you rooting for him. If they had any balls they would have had him kill his family as that is what the natural progression of the series should have resulted in. His original motive was to ensure his families comfort and well-being after his death, having his decisions result in their deaths and him having to live on with that cured of cancer would have been fucking shakesperean

Intentionally killing has whole family seems a bit out of character to me. Intentionally killing Hank/ accidentally killing their new baby would have worked well I think.

That's what happens when you run out of source material.

It's so god damn dry too. The Sopranos had a constant levity to it.

You rule. I'm sick of having to explain to rubes that as enjoyable as BB was, it isn't a technical and psychological masterpiece like the Sopranos. And as awesome as Cranston is/was, Gandolfinis performance is literally the greatest acting performance of all time

inconsistent tone of the series

You didn't think the axe wielding mute mexican hitmen cousins with skulls on their shoes fit the tone of the series?

Yeah they were pretty cartoony. Also when Gus got blown up he should have just died instead of the fake out where he walks out the door and the camera pans around to reveal half his face is a cartoon skull with no real blood or gore on it and a perfectly scooped out empty eye socket before he collapses dead which is what he shoulda been in the first place.

I watched over half of it. Sopranos is just so much funnier and therefore better imo

Yeah...I guess no ones gonna argue with you there, BB wasnt supposed to be funny at all, lol


Ahh I forgot about Badger and Skinny Pete(and Saul obviously) lol, yeah it had funny elements but I wouldnt compare it to another show based on which is funnier.

How can people watch scenes like this and take Breaking Bad seriously

Wish they still made TV like they used to...

They did every great thing you could do with this scene without getting too crazy. It's fucking great.

I love you, Johnny Cakes.

James gandolfeely

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By far the best show ever made, nothing comes close imo

Nice have you read a guys guide to being a man's man. Great read

I got bored halfway through the second season does it get better or is it the same throughout?

It's ok just go back to The Voice.

Never heard of this

The Sopranos is one of the GOAT shows. How do you not know this, faggot?

It's responses like this that means I can never truly be myself in this place.

Horrible. Just horrible.

It's responses like this that means I can never truly be myself in this place.

Horrible. Just horrible.