I'm going to make fun of Fat Ron Bennington to see you fanboys cry, and you cant stop me!!!

0  2016-08-12 by DoctorDoOOOOLittle



That'll teach us

You showed us.

Oh boy he's at it again !

This is some edgy shit

Make fun of him, I don't give a fuck.

He has been half shit since Fez stopped talking.

He is also fat as fuck, and smells like old cigars and ex co host semen.

Go for it. Personally, I love his wet mouth noises and constant dead air. I like to keep reaching for the dial thinking the show cut off but no, he's just taking his sweet time. Then he sloshes his saliva around in his mouth and there's more dead air. Genius!

but...but....but...Ron is a all knowing god!!!! why, I don't know, but everybody tells me such.

I can't think of many things gayer than typing out your stutter.

Maybe the Jizz he drinks IRL?

That is pretty fucking gay.

Maybe the Jizz he drinks IRL?

That is pretty fucking gay.