Cuck Metzger harassed Kaytlin Bailey off-mic so hard she quit doing his show [2:40]

0  2016-08-12 by Ant_Sucks


Kaitlyn Bailey stinks anyways.

Well, we almost got to hear the story until Rich and Bonnie steamrolled over it.

Right, that was horrible.

How has no one snuck a pic during those naked shows? I wanna see them hangers.

No shit, all the pics are from her neck up. There's gotta be pics out there, and I wanna see. She's sexy, but I like jew broads, or jewish looking broads.

Especially for the fact she made her living at eighteen years old as a call girl. That level of immature desperation will always make my pecka jump.

Yes, she is pretty fine.

Not surprising. Lonely ghoul.

That was underwhelmkng as fuck.

Pretty much sums up every episode of their shows.

Rich Vos is unfathomably stupid.


I'm not surprised that Kurt had it out for her off-mic, he treated her like total crap on it.

Kurt is irredeemable. I hope he is unhappy in his personal life and such.

All comedians are especially the drug addled non famous ones

this show fucking sucks

I'll side with anyone over Metzler aside from samcro Joe and ktc

Seriously, she has to be a crazy broad if she thought she deserved to be paid for her contribution to that show

I think what she was saying was that she doesn't want to devote too much time every week on the stuff that doesn't make her money

The whore only takes abuse if you pay her.

What would our good friends at jezebel think of Kuck Metzger harassing another woman? He has a history of abuse towards females.

It's amazing how many of you fags will turn around and act like these politically correct babies just because you don't like someone.

It's amazing how many of you fags don't understand jokes.

Sure, it's not like this sub has a history of this shit....

To be fair to Kurt Metzger, the time he choked a cunt seems like an appropriate time to be doing it.

What would the feminist shooms fans think of their writer women hating??

So then he's not a cuck, he is patrician



The split seemed amicable when it happened. What changed? Metzger probably stopped responding to her texts.

Metzger is a thin-skinned liberal jew like Jon Stewart & Jon Oliver.

Is the word "jew" just like the word "cuck" where you mental midgets just throw it out there as an insult even though you don't actually know the correct definition of the word?

Metzger is Jewish like Louis CK is jewish. It is his history.

CK is not Mexican. His dad was a Washington DC lobbyist jetsetting globe trotter.

Ah, you are a Trumpkin. That explains your extremely low IQ and lack of understanding of basic words.

Mexicans are terrible at comedy & have low iq's. That's why white puerto ricans do comedy.