Oh boy!! Get ready to be called a misogynist again!!

11  2016-08-12 by DaveNone

I heard about this today and did a google search and was stunned that this is being made.


I don't want to hate the movie because of the all female cast, although that may play into it because I dislike having social engineering experiments masquerade as entertainment. I do have issues with the women they have chosen. Looks like a cast of has beens and never weres. Rihana and some rapper chick? And Mindy Kaling? I guess she'll add clever witty humor. Makes me wonder if Piggy Schumer will turn up in it.

Maybe they'll shock me though and write a good script and do a decent movie. But I won't hold out much hope. I wonder if they'll attack anyone who says this movie will suck the way Sony and Paul Fag did over people trashing Ghostbusters?


the reason there are no original scripts with all female casts is because generally women are boring & lazy and have never really done anything of any interest to anyone

there was that one chick who gave birth to a male though

Same with every piece of shit gurl-power!! pop anthem that comes out, it's always written, engineered, mixed & mastered by a bunch of men.

*men working for Jewish men.

*gay men working for Jewish men.

I love all of those male pop anthems. Men do great things.


personally I'm very interested in their tits.

I just love chicks, and their tits.

They're well represented in the one interesting thing that they do, in porn.

nail on head


That was a tad misogynist, may I say.

Even if it was true?

By definition yes, although it would be more justified.


  • the gals will get away with the caper, and the main person hunting them down will be inept, and a man. at the end, he will shake his fist angrily at their getaway plane while steel drum tropical music plays. then, cut to the beach, where we see the gals enjoying the spoils of their caper and local island dong.

  • they will mastermind the caper at a baby shower or bachelorette party, and will use various appropriate props from the event to visualize the caper: dildos, diapers, etc.

  • one of the main characters' boyfriend/husband will be handsome and sweet, but a little slow on the uptake. his girlfriend/wife will procure various tools needed for the caper right under his nose, and he won't suspect a thing. oh, what the heck, I'll spill this, too: at one point, she will even enlist him to help with the caper, but he won't even know it!

  • at some point, one or more of the gals will use their feminine wiles on Pavlovian men to get out of a jam: a low-cut top, a lesbian kiss, a felch, etc. also, the "damsel in distress" routine will be used for nefarious, yet hysterical, purposes

The caper is actually going to be about a mom who substitutes ground turkey for ground beef in a taco recipe without her husband noticing.

If they put a felch in the movie, I'll pay for a ticket.

Do you think there might be a scene where they discuss their vaginas?

we see the gals enjoying the spoils of their caper and local island dong.

Did someone say Hendel?

And THAT'S how you executive produce a Hollywood movie!

Paul Feig? Is that u?

If anything, it is misogynist to remake these types of classic movies with all female casts. Where is the originality? The movie studios are basically saying audiences won't like any new storylinw that is lead by women.

I never saw it, but I bet Charlies Angels was way better than the new Ghostbusters or this Oceans 8 will be.

Charlies Angels was recently remade wasn't it? But the original story is about women. What about the Kill Bill franchise? It's mostly female lead characters and it's original.

It was because Quentin's actual inspired idea was to have women in those roles and it was one of the best movies ever(both combined). None of this shit they pump out is a light bulb for an actual good story idea, just that they can call something "femme-powered" and sell to the "girls rule!" audience. They dont put effort into the script just into the diversity of the cast, thats enough for a lot of people to defed it and they dont need to give a shit about actually making a good movie.

the frumpy cop in season 1 of Fargo was a good example of actual female empowerment without being so over the top that it's cartoonish. the entire show she is the only one who can see the facts sitting in front of everyone and she sticks to her convictions, solves the crime and ends up with an effeminate Hanks brother (not chaz). But women don't watch good shows, they want crap and they want it female.

The same goes for the Fargo film back in 1996.

I'm not gonna debate you.

yeah but she was fat

The fact that she was a fat mess meant her life didn't revolve around seeking male attention and freed up her mind to do actual important work, like a man would do.

It allowed her mind to focus on baconators.

Or Furiosa, who never got into a physical engagement with a man without a weapon.

Kill Bill proves that those types of movies can absolutely be made (and made well) without the condescending "See, boys?" political angle. It also debunks the myth that sexism was the only explanation for Ghostbusters' reception. By all means, empower your women, just don't be so shitty about it and then expect people not to say something.

Didn't Tarrantino also wanna make "Jane Bond" with Uma Thurman?

Uhh I'd hope he wouldnt be that hacky, so I hope not. If he did he's losing his mind and that isnt representative of the guy who made Kill Bill.

Pretty sure I heard it in an interview after Kill Bill.

You have to understand, all these guys are insane and need the guidance of (((executives))) to make anything worth a shit.

I'd guess it makes more sense in context. Like he'd want to make a spy movie with a female, and it'd be influenced by Bond.

She'd kill the bad guys with her enormous feet

i'm sure he did, but him throwing out a phrase like "jane bond" so that people understand what he means isn't representative of how the finished product would look. i'm sure it would be typical tarrantino quality.

Tarantino would make a great movie out of this. Because he's a genius and this is just hack pandering dog shit.

I don't care if women are cast in everything. I don't care if they cast this with 8 sewer rats. It's when the marketing is just guilt tripping like Ghostbusters that makes me hate it.

I had a feminist chick I work with say Kill Bill was racist. She never even saw the movie, she just heard it in a sociology class she took. I'm liberal myself and was dumbfounded by her ignorance.

These comments are just so dumb lol

It worked in Kill Bill because Tarantino wrote a great story that explained why she was on a one-woman killing spree. It didn't feel like a gimmick.

This was the best, most nuanced comment this sub has yet offered on the whole female remakes thing. Charlie Angels did blow chunks though.

I remember it for having Mcfly in it and how everyone was talking about how amazing Demi's tits, stomach and ass looked in a bikini.

That was the sequal. The first one was a fun popcorn movie.

I hate that I know that.

Ha you dickhead they arent remaking the 'classic' they're remaking the remake. It's Clooney and Soderbergh with Clooney having a cameo and the one chick playing his sister. And Charlies Angels was fucking terrible. They're rebooting it though.

You should audition for the lead role when they remake "Libcuck Faggot The Musical"

Musicals are a valueless art form.

Pretty much but that's not 100% true as long as Book of Mormon exists.

It's amazing how little Hollywood thinks of our intelligence. When all this shit hits the fan, they'll only have themselves to blame.

jews never blame themselves

This shit is all intentional. They are trying to demasculate our culture and turn us into a race of niggerladies.

I think the word you're looking for is 'emasculate'. Another great show of literacy from the master race.

Wow check out the big brain on Brad.


"Huh" ain't no country I ever heard of. Do they speak English in "Huh"?

Its a movie quote dummy

"Huh" ain't no country I ever heard of. Do they speak English in "Huh"?



You should be more concerned with your lack of intelligence

Sometimes people make mistakes buddy. Ask your parents.

It's only a mistake if you knew the correct word but typed it incorrectly. You thought that was the right term.

That is also a mistake.

Only on this sub is a guy being taken to task for his grammar, while completely ignoring "niggerladies" and anti semetic undertones.

It's often the alt-right millennial types that have the worst vocabulary because they read so little. Mine stinks, but my excuse is i'm on a phone.

And a huge fag.


Ghostbusters 2016 is already a bust. ETA to them blaming themselves for it?

no they won't, they switch topics to man-haters and racists who refused to see their masterpiece, other idiots that surround them will nod their heads and nothing will change.

I could literally not care less about the 'oceans' series.

I'm not mad they they cast it with all women, I'm mad that they are making another one which will be just as shitty as the previous ones, and will advertise the fuck out of it.

There's about a 0.1% chance it'll all go down anything like GB. They made an intentionally awful trailer with the worst jokes imaginable to piss off the people who said to themselves "oh hey I remember that movie, let's see what it looks like now. Wow not good" and point their fingers at them like clockwork just as they planned. I don't imagine the trailer will be so atrocious, but even if it is, you're right, most people just don't give a shit about oceans whatever. It was the type of movie Team America parodied.

I don't think anyone does, but it doesn't make it any less hateable that they are casting women for the sake of casting them. Worse yet, is casting fat women, because get it? fat women are fat and sassy LULZYL... yuck.

I guess this announcement tells us that the new trend will be to produce remakes of remakes, only with an all-clam cast.

Hollywood is so fucking braindead now.

I wanna see the boat movie

If someone writes an original script and it's a female driven thing with a great cast.....fine. But this almost PC "push" to shoehorn known franchises with chicks, and the attitude behind it where if you aren't down with it, you are misogynist or an asshole.....these studios just don't get it.

Oh they get it, but this is about money, not art

Women are too catty and petty to pull off any type of complicated robbery....next.

-John Mulaney

-Michael Scott

A remake of a remake. Everyone kill themselves.

Goddamnit didn't they learn already by how much money Sony lost on Ghostbusters

It sounds like this news was supposed to be on the heels of a glorious feminist success in Ghostbusters, because wow Ghostbusters showed that women can do stuff and now Ocean's is going to show them being able to do stuff again! Soooo awesome... except Ghostbusters flopped precisely because it was marketed as women being able to do stuff instead of as a group of talented and funny and smart people who are incidentally women defeating ghosts in a cool way. But it's too late to cut the head of this beast off now, too many people are emotionally invested and too much effort has gone into it, and if it's killed now then the narrative suffers a major defeat because it's been drilled into our caveman misogynist brain over and over with this movie that WOMEN CAN DO STUFF TOO! Not that people who are incidentally women can bust ghosts and it can be entertaining and awesome, a narrative who's failure really means nothing in our society. No, this narrative can't be allowed to fail even though the issue of whether women can use impossible technology to defeat fictional villains and be fun and entertaining at the same time has absolutely fuck all to do with whether women can do stuff too. But that's the nice, warm womb they wrapped their baby in and if that narrative dies then all of society is utterly doomed (as opposed to the alternative possibility, that society is just fine despite the meager, random example of sexism or the backwards hillbilly that pops up occasionally here and there who literally no one supports except the backwards hillbillies who are usually the ones causing the issue in the first place).

So the thin weak fabric of our society depends on continuing to make this movie, at least until it can be quietly squashed when no one is looking, and if someone is always looking then $200 million is a small loss in comparison to the loss of society and the devastating look of disapproval from Anita Sarkeesian as her eyeballs shoot poison 'problematic darts' at our exposed manspreaded crotches.

The sequel was god awful. Even the original was overrated. Expecting another flop.

The only heist movie I liked was The Killing.

Kubrick was brilliant.

At least the original had George Clooney and Brad Pitt who are basically Hollywood royalty. They were the main draws and superstars in their own right. Who gives a shit about Ann Hathaway? That's the superstar you could wrangle for this mess?

The last time I enjoyed a movie with George Clooney in it was From Dusk Til Dawn.

Yea Oceans 12 was 1 of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Next they are going to rewrite history and remake Saving Private Ryan with an all female cast. The American and British troops will all be brave, strong and empowered women while the Germans will be misogynistic, bumbling, fumbling men. American men will be portrayed as millennial beta cucks who are stay at home dads who cry when they think of the sacrifices their wives are making for them. And no there won't be a Robbie the Riveter because men can't be trusted to put together planes and tanks.

Imagine the bloody horror when several million women soldiers all sync up and get their periods at the same time?

Like that scene of all the wounded in Gone With the Wind, but with period-cramping cunts on a factory floor...I'd buy a ticket to see that.

"Social engineering masquerading as entertainment" is a brilliant fucking summation. Bravo.

How many retarded, clumsy, cucked male characters do you think it will have? I'm guessing 5.

It'll bomb like Ghostbusters.The majority of people don't care for having the PC cock rammed down their throat.

The new Ghostbusters was shit and this will probably be shit too, but this is like your 18th post on this sub about the topic. Let it go.

Disagree. Cant get complacent. This movie is a financed cash grab, which means other, more interesting, original ideas aren't being funded. No social experiment means no $$$. We should put the spotlight on anything un-original and make sure it fails - if it really sucks.

This movie is a financed cash grab

Oh stop with the "more interesting/original ideas fund". Major film studios aren't some kind of socialist commune for deep-thinking artists, they're designed to make money. That's how it's always been. Not to mention there's still countless independent films made every year.

And do we really need to "make sure it fails"? It seems to be doing that on its own, more or less. Is this really the life you want to live? "That's right kids, your daddy was part of the elite team that stopped the Ghostbusters reboot from getting a sequel."

Yes, I fully see the hypocrisy of suggesting that you're a loser while I'm on the subreddit for a defunct radio show whose former members are all spinning into desperate irrelevancy.

How is Christopher Nolan able to make money with movies like Inception? There's an audience for creative movies. Media is the ultimate propaganda tool (for good or evil) that has a tangible, measurable impact in public attitudes about any topic.

You can't get lazy about this stuff. Every year, there's another generation of kids that turns 14 and doesn't know any better. If you don't speak up, hollywood can make up all sorts of bullshit and people will buy it.

If that's the war you wanna fight, have fun, we'll be here making jokes and being about our lives.

I do love a star studded "comedy heist" movie. This should be great. With this cast - what could possibly go wrong?

I can't wait to see Progressive Flo hide in a box, break into a vault and steal me the best insurance rates out there.

I can't wait till they remake Apocalypse Now with an all LADEEEEEEE cast.

Melissa McCarthy as Colonel Kurtz...I'm calling it now.

No, Rebel Wilson.

When has dead-eyed, auto tune Rhianna proven she's a decent actress?

When she acted like she didn't deserve the hands Chris Brown threw at her.

Not trying to call you out as a repost because I was equally stunned at the awfuness, just sayin I posted about this too: https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/4x4kkx/good_news_femmepowered_oceans_11_reboot_on_the/

It was a shitpost then, too.

No it wasn't, nigger faggot. Opie and Anthony is gay and so are you

Sorry man. I've gotten to the point I only check the sub once or twice a day, see the Joe Cumia shitposts everywhere and stop reading. So I rarely scroll down and almost never bother checking past the first page. If your post wasn't right at the top when I logged on and looked I probably missed it.

There's only 8 of them because that's the most they could get into one room before fights started breaking out.

3 of them will have to be CGIed in.

They want to cast a rapper called Awkwafina? How about an actress? this sounds awful.

Merchandising tie-in, nigga.

Robocop with all women? Robocunt. Schlinders List with all women? Schindlers Cunt.

I don't do remakes unless they're really good. This is a remake of a remake marketed to broads and cucks. Good luck!

rapper Awkwafina

What/who the actual fuck

Mindy Kaling got fatter...

I won't watch movies anymore. I can't. Not until there is something original that comes out of the cesspool of Hollywood. Maybe they should stop worrying about giving political opinions and make some new stuff.

Just curious why this is social engineering but remaking it with a bunch of young good looking guys 15 years ago or whatever was just a movie? Casting akwafina in this is somewhat surprising, but it's a good cast.

Of course you dont get it.

I get it, you need boogeymen in your life for some reason.


I dont seek out your comments. The collectivist SJW douchy-ness jumps right out

I'm not the boogeyman you twat.

Will your childhood memories be destroyed by this movie too, ya fruit?

Will you get a user name that isn't a catchphrase that stopped being popular after 2 weeks?

Is that all you've got? LMAO, ain't got shit to say so comment on the username. Stop crying about your tarnished boyhood, you sissy.

And the answer is no. Knowing how butthurt it makes you brings me joy. :)

So nice to see I've gotten under your skin.

You mean like my username has gotten under yours? Nice reverse psychology, you woman.


If they put a felch in the movie, I'll pay for a ticket.

The caper is actually going to be about a mom who substitutes ground turkey for ground beef in a taco recipe without her husband noticing.

Do you think there might be a scene where they discuss their vaginas?

we see the gals enjoying the spoils of their caper and local island dong.

Did someone say Hendel?

And THAT'S how you executive produce a Hollywood movie!

Paul Feig? Is that u?