"Oh no Massa, I didn't mean to blow the field ni**a!"

2  2016-08-12 by Arthur_DigbySellers


Quit using stars to replace "g's", nigger.


Clicked on other discussions, found this from the Donald Trump subreddit:

Trump hater Louis CK says some insane bigoted things on a radio show about black people (youtube.com)

I wonder when SJWs will use Louis' O&A stuff to ruin him.

One of the last few times that the cake stomp incident hit the mainstream, it was brought up that Louis CK was either there for or laughing at the situation afterward (can't remember which), and you could almost hear peoples' heads explode. They weren't sure what to feel about it.

mint julep

Best thing Opie ever did for the show.

Back when Louis CK's career wasn't going so well, so he couldn't act like a cunt.

Can't believe this never got anyone in trouble.