Guess us faggots have no effect on the Schumes

0  2016-08-11 by EncinoEscobar


It's makes me happy to know that no matter how much money she makes she can't get rid of that hamster-cheeked-prolapsed-asshole face.

It's fucking amazing that the biggest phony in the world is making headlines for being so honest and authentic.

Off the top of my head I cannot think of a young female celebrity I'd wanna fuck less than this woman.


I said young.


It's the hair. She looks a lot older when it's not spiked straight upwards.

Amy Schumer is a young female celebrity?

Born: June 1, 1981 (age 35),

Scrolling down and seeing everyone shitting on her and calling her a thief makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

thanks for the scoop, LA Times

she's steals jokes and sundries.

Have they locked comments? I'm unable to post that she admitted in a GQ interview to shoplifting $100,000 over her career and thinks that it's just something "white girls do".

(((yeah, no idea why)))

Give it a rest with the Jew bashing. I'm no Jew, but they've made it 4,000 years and still going strong. A couple of bad years around 1940, but they bounced back against all the odds. You gotta admire that. Might be something to this "chosen people" bullshit after all.

In fairness it's not just god that chooses them.

Please non existent god tell me her 15 minutes is close to being up

Ha, you believe in a non existent god.

She doesn't care what you think, but wants you all to know it.

Whenever they say they don't care what people think they really do care. The people that don't give a fuck you would never know because they quietly go about their shit and they don't have to remind everyone about how they don't care.

I wouldn't fuck that pig with someone else's dick.