Daily TACS discussion thread. The studio really did change everything.

15  2016-08-11 by cbanks420lol


So sad.


So sad.



For anyone who stopped paying attention attention to TACS over the past year you should know that Jims Morton is now on the show every day including weekends and Mike Finoia has been getting huge guests lately like Robert DeNiro and former CIA director Leon Panetta. Everything has worked out for the best with the new studio and network profits are beginning to rival that of SiriusXM.

That's weird because the only things I've seen from his network in the past year have been a hipster shoving things in his asshole and a stunt boy giving a handjob to a retarded man.

what more could you ask for?

I'm not sure if I should believe you.

CTRL+F "peckahs"

Nothing. Looks legit.

Take out the h like how you h your breakfast this morning TSS

I'm gonna go get the papers get the papers

Bro, holy fuck, I just watched that part. You sir, can shit in my car.


Yesterday there was a thread over there where a mod was asking what needed to change to encourage active posting.

I think the clear answer is, Anthony putting on a show that is worth discussing.

I'll have you know we made no such thread.
In fact, there's only been 3 threads in the past week... so...
... sigh...

I have an idea...a link to a free stream.

How about a free subscription?
PM me

I'll bite.

A bigger studio? Maybe he's on the wrong floor. The 22nd floor isn't good for comedy or interesting material.

He should fit right in then

It should be high enough for everyone to jump out of though

That's a good start.. The chairs will need to be upgraded as well. When I'm listening to other shows I'm confident that the hosts and guests are sitting it very comfortable chairs so their hiney's don't get all red and require Desiden during the breaks.

Also, the orientation of the room needs to be modified. Pop culture generally flows from West to East so it's obvious that "the funny" flows in the same way throughout the room.

Also Also.. The host.. Usually popular shows have a host / combination of hosts that have things like "chemistry" and are "funny" Maybe if they hire a new....

Ahh Fuck it.. Peckahs.

Pretty simple fix

This is good

This is bad

is that a picture of his backyard on the green screen?

Yes. His backyard and pool or crime scene - Take your pick

I watched the episode with Mike Dowd , it was just sad...bobo was the only person in the audience and tranthony was chit chatting with him...you could feel the loneliness & despair .

that actually sounds interesting, albeit cringey

I might actually give that a listen

Holy shit haha

I don't know who Mike Dowd is, but did they really pan to those bleachers in the corner where the microwave cabinet should be, and Bobo was the only person sitting on them?

Please say there's a screenshot of this.

Did Penn Jilette stop by yet?

I hope Teller guest hosts. I'd listen to that.

But Teller doesn't ta-oh.


At this stage if Ant promoted Greggshells 3 I still wouldn't sub back

its sensitive time, maybe he will do it after oct

It changed from Long Island shit to NYC shit.

For a while there I was really enjoying Gavin's show.

But he seems to have run out of guests, which sucks.

When he tries to fill up 90 minutes without a guest, he ends up doing the same bits, over and over again, day in and day out.

I gave up on Gavin too. I'm looking for a show that is equal parts politics and comedy that appeals to right wing extremists like myself. DiPaolo is politically illiterate and Gavin doesn't really enjoy talking politics and he refuses to make any enemies on the right. Still looking...

sir i would like to inform you that there is currently an ongoing war against info itself

an infowar

The last rats on a sinking ship.

I'm out of the loop. Did Tranthony ever elaborate on the Sue Lightning situation?

His elaboration was coming here shitfaced on Bud Lite and xanax, telling us we use hate like a video game and booking an emergency "I'M NOT GAY" squirting episode of TACS starring some pork roll sandwich looking gutter porn star.

I love how you guys try to measure popularity based on reddit activity. A lot of top podcasts don't even have reddit pages. I just typed in WTF podcast with Mark Maron. And the reddit page for that has only 256 fans. And most posts get about 2 comments. That's a podcast that had the President as a guest...

I know, right? It's like these cucks don't realize that Anthony's network has a huge following outside of Reddit. I've done the calculations and Anthony is making more money from subscriptions now than he was when he was working for Sirius.

Once he moved to the NY studio it helped not only his subscriptions but also his exposure. Having Jimmy in once a week ended up helping Jimmy more than Anthony.

I see you have 'joe' in your username...that's already not a good sign.

How about a free subscription?
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