Jim misses his co-host and friend Opie. Opening 2 minutes.

0  2016-08-11 by EncinoEscobar


Rogan doesn't take long to talk about artificial intelligence will be connected to our shared thoughts and ideas maaaaaaan. It's only a matter of time before some mind blowing shit will change our landscape, bro.

Who listens to this guy say the same thing for 9 hours a week?

At some point that is likely to happen. But people like Brogan and that goofy Ray Kurzweill(?) guy are insane if they think it is going to happen anytime soon. He's going to be dead in the next couple of years and the world is largely going to remain the same. None of the people talking about that stuff will live to see it play out.

Who listens to this guy say the same thing for 9 hours a week?

This is why I cancelled my subscription to TACS and can't listen to more than 2 minutes of O&J anymore.

he doesnt mention opie at all

No sir, he does not.

That's the bit.

I listened to like 5 minutes.

It's really sad how nervous he is, and it's really sad he basically apologizes for an okay throwaway line.

I've not listened to the whole thing but hopefully he's stopped the "obviously I'm not alpha" tag every time a men's subject is being discussed.