Norton on Tough Crowd: "I don't like the fact that we look like two father-son teams."

105  2016-08-11 by Flamgirlant


Colin was able to say the word nigger and also have it shown in text uncensored. Times oh they have a-changed.

I suppose it's easier than calling him Kevin Hart.

I was just listening to an old O&A episode from 2005, and Jim said that when he mentioned the Trenchcoat Mafia, Comedy Central censored the word Trenchcoat. Their S&P was really weird back then.

this is too good. i hadn't watched any tough croud's but im amazed at this

I was obsessed with it for a full year, and it's kind of charming that every video is some guy who recorded the show on a VHS camera. A lot of the episodes were shit and it was just comedians tossing out written bits, but anything with Patrice, Greg, Jimmy, Vos, or a young and sexy Bobby is good. Pretty much any comedian you like now was good on it back then. There was one episode where it was Colin against Patrice, Kevin, Dante, and some other dude and it was just Colin complaining about black people. One of the best moments was where Patrice broke Colin down and his references to black people shit "he's a man in purgatory; black people don't like him, and white people don't understand him."

VHS camera.


But I heard the studio was in high definition. That's PFG if you ask me.

Maybe you're not a native English speaker but they weren't recorded on a VHS camera. They were recorded on VHS with a VCR. The VHSs were then copied digitally.

I was making a joke about how it looks like someone put a camera in front of the TV, recorded it on a shitty camera using a VHS tape, then converted it.

No you weren't.


it's kind of charming that every video is some guy who recorded the show on a VHS camera

That's a really bad joke then. Seems like you're admiring the fact that the guy recorded them and put them online. It looks nothing like that, it just looks like a basic VCR recording on a VHS that's seen plenty of use.

You just suck at reading, nobody's looking for your fucking notes.

You suck at making jokes, period.


You should definitely check more out, there's a lot on youtube with O&A regulars and other good comics.

DiPaolo really kills in all his appearances I've seen. Even if he happens to be surrounded by bores he really gets under the skin of some of the obnoxious guests that show up every once in awhile.

Here's one with DiPaolo, CK, Norton and Attell:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Norton's different strokes like around 14:00 is lightning quick. And Patrices "shut up Webster" is gold

he was so fucking fast with that!

Colin shitting on everyone for bombing in the last act is so fucking funny.

Norton can be the funniest guy ever, but he needs a catalyst, a starter of some sorts that gets him going. Patrice, Bobby,vos and pre 2011/2012 Anthony was perfect

As much as we make fun of Norton for his excessive weight loss, he really was a fatso back then


That is amazing.

Well, a Shucky ducky, quack quack



God damn what a great fuckin line

For whatever reason, I think of that line all the time. Norton is fucking hilarious.

You just suck at reading, nobody's looking for your fucking notes.