Please show this to the cops/my family when they ask why I blew my brains out

56  2016-08-11 by duranfarbissina


Remember when Patrice said "racism won't exist anymore when a mediocre black guy can be successful."?

Now he has two shows?

Eventually hes gonna start running that network.

what in the name of fuck is that

The most hack premise of all and the subject matter isn't even true. 0/10.

"Be Original" ...

He just doesn't have a modicum of funny, any random person on the street would be no less funny.

I'm sure this fat retard would have never attempted to be in comedy if he didn't see "Chrissy" (remember when he tried to alpha him and was promptly ignored?) do it. We makes the same fam laugh, whats he got I don't? And he don't have to work a real job? Jussachill?

When the show gets cancelled, you know he's going on Opie & Jimmy to say it was because it was too controversial. "Dey coulnnt deal wif da truf, Ya feel me, nigga? "

I've literally never heard a joke from Sherrod that's not race related. It's mindblowing how much of a hack you can be, how do you not get bored doing the same thing over and over again

Holy shit it's like that Simpsons clip came to life

Does ISIS have a website or facebook page? Change it to "and Muhammad be like this"

Dassabessdoe, jus gettin yo dome lobbed off cuz white boys be trollin'.

No, I will tell them you were battling your secret love of cock and couldn't deny it any longer.

Everysingle joke he has is about race he's such an unfunny hack

A&E needs to fire him or remove"Be Original" as their slogan.

How annoyed is Opie that Sherrod gets a show on A&E?

Flipping through the channels last night. I watched a minute and it was by far the worst show ever.

I tapped out on an ad where they showed an alien cartoon wearing a gold chain and Sherrod said "WUT? DEY AIN'T GOT NO BLACK PEOPLES IN DA FUTURE?!" I immediately wished everyone 2 shades darker than me was lynched.

I got blocked for hashtaging #dassdebasdo on his post about this last night

The End is near. Faggots best repent while there's still time


It's like if Ricky Ray Rector was given a Jew agent instead of the needle.

Sherrod would toh up him final meal, yessuh,

I'd buy him that meal if the outcome was the same.

This gave me a gut-punch feeling, almost as if I felt the embarrassment for him

You know something is bad, when you watch it and al you can think about is hurting yourself in the most painful ways possible.

Good Lord. How this got airtime I'll never know.

Sherrod would toh up him final meal, yessuh,