Totally random question. Any TYT fans on this sub? And if so, do you HONESTLY find them funny or even remotely entertaining? Because they're fucking terrible.

0  2016-08-11 by Lil_Teddy_Sheckler


I went through a little phase of watchin their channel to keep up with us news, but that guy cenk is just infuriating.. It consists of them putting on stupid guy voice when quoting the 'bad guy' .. It's so biased it's almost a parody of a news show

The worst is when Cenk fake laughs at his own lame ass jokes and says "ok"'s fucking infuriating

I like you more now

If only I could like myself

Yeah you should start with that because I don't think I'll be coming over to the other side anytime soon.

The reason cenk got all angry at alex jones about saudi arabia is because TYT takes money from the Qatari gov, whos worse than the saudis

Nobody ever accused tyt of being funny or entertaining

They stink and I don't like them

I dot know what their view numbers are like but I dont see why anyone would watch them. Its just like a generic brand, shitty quality liberal news...thing. Even if you agree with them why wouldnt you just watch the real thing?

They're in that bubble of partisan politics - it's really no different than Limbaugh or Glenn Beck or whatever. 'Look at this dumb thing Trump did today' then talk and laugh about it in an echo chamber. It's about ego, ideology, and this juvenille 'my team can beat your team' nonsense. But whatever, I actually watch Alex Jones so what do I know?

Alex Jones is entertaining, regardless of politics.

Oh yes there are

How can you after this laugh riot:


They stink and I don't like them


You sound like a racist Islamophobe. I bet you like Trump. Fuck you asshole, you're the problem with our country. Right? Right?

I watch them occasionally. They aren't funny, but I generally agree with what they're yammering about and Ana Kasparian makes my cock hard. I usually end up watching them because all of their videos are disguised so that you don't know it's a TYT video until you start watching.