Origin of the Danny/Anthony feud?

0  2016-08-11 by rachel_stabs_ppl

What exactly caused the hatred between these two?


Here's a flowchart I made when I had some spare time yesterday:


I didn't know about the sister thing.

Bobo says Danny is loying aright

The hatred between Arabs and Jews is a long story.

Your saying the mussies don't get along with the kikes? You have a source?

Sexual tension

Sue lightning


Anthony bought Dannys 12 year old boy cousin tits then made him spit in Joe's mouth while they jerked their pricks.

The most recent bout was caused when Anthony mentioned Danny on the show last week, no real reason for it either.

The very start of it, not too sure. It was shortly after Danny got fired from Sirius when Ant started talking shit about him on air.

Anthony finally allowed Danny to suck his cock, but when Ant took his pants off Danny was disappointed, as he was expecting something much bigger. As a result, Danny spread rumors of Anthony having a small penis.

At a Compond party a few years back Danny brought a Christian baby so he could drain and drink the blood, as his people are wont to do, and Ant was furious he couldn't fuck the kid first.
