Short conversation with Brother Joe

186  2016-08-10 by mr__hat


that could not have gone any better

"As someone who can play Sunday Bloody Sunday on guitar, let me give you my political opinion. . . "

" really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday. "

"They stole it off sabbath those cunts" Jim 'nice but dim' Norton

Oh, I go vurry deep with the sundays

That's how I got these tits


Well done, fucking double mastectomy

Cleared the fence with that one my guy

Leave it alone

Out of the stadium.

Wait wait... gyno-cumia-stia or sumthin

Home run chippah.

Goddamn genius

Great rebuttal.


more like, great retittal!

tss tss

Shut up Chip that's not even funny.

He also loves to call her a liar, but he's such a remorseless, dishonest zero that he proudly proclaimed how he beat a lie detector test.

Cocaine dealer and lifelong thief telling blacks to behave.

Yes. And he mooches off his rich relative while pursuing music instead of education. He couldn't be more of a black stereotype.

Although it is stolen music, so more of a white guy thing.

I hear "theralphretort" only holds itself to the highest levels of journalistic integrity

There's no debunking those big, fat, plumpy man-mammaries.

Joe Cumia is a wastrel who lives off his younger brother. He is also practically retarded.

He gets 60k a year from Anthony

hey! nothing wrong with bitching about welfare and living on it. his is privatized

(oh jeez i think he would actually use that as a defense)

He earns every penny.

Brother Joe is legitimately stupid enough to think that Hillary was having seizures on camera. This man believes everything he reads on the internet.

Whatever Dude your just a cuck

Fucking nailed that infant saliva ingesting shitbag. Well played.

Why would a secret service agent be holding a AAA-Maglite ready to shine?

I dunno, in case a ghost shows up

There have been reported sightings of Mrs. Oswalt.

Lol it's not a flashlight doe..... Y'all both retarded

Yeah about that, it's a flashlight. There's a video of the secret service agent using the "anti-seizure diazepam auto-injector" to light the darkened offstage area for her in the link I provided him.

You can see see the beam momentarily light the sleeve of the man standing in front of him in this gif:

No it's pretty obvious THAT is a flash light. The famous picture shitty Joe is referring to the black gentleman is holding a long thinner object with a metal chain you can even use his hand to scale.

Get that weak hillary garbage out of here she is not healthy

did you drop this -> /s?

I assume you're blocked now, Mr Hat?

You are the hero this sub deserves.


this was the perfect thing to end my workday

Recover her brain!

Homerun Cumia Homerun!

Fawkin' double guns, cawksucka!

Short and to the point.

This is outstanding, mister.

Sixty grand a year so you can see this trash. Thanks, Ant.

This will do fine.

Moron isn't a good enough word.

The thing is, it starts to get really uncomfortable when you try to think of a good enough word for him.


Fucking zinged the son of a bitch

Honestly if I made 3 million a year I'd probably give my brother a decent amount of money, but I'd expect him to be smart with it and make it grow. And that'd end if I got fired from that job

He is the personification of a mook

You know I love you, right?

I'm guessing he blocked you faster then Ant at any mention of Sue Lightning.

Scary/sad to think there could possibly be close people within Joe's inner circle who find his incessant social media musings inspired.

Well done, sir.

We get it, you're voting for Hillary because you're a fag


REKT... and the interweb kids say


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Why aren't these Cumia brothers a part of MENSA by now?

They're not already?


Sweet tat

Pretty sure there's some barbed wire being concealed in there.

I wanna titty fuck Joe


Anthony has a little bit of tits, he's just better at hiding them and he can afford liposuction

you keep posting about this guy, why would I care? Why would I ever care about this guy?

"They're real, and they're spectacular"

lol, flashlight. What a fucking dumb cunt you are.


Fawkin buried that cocksucka!!!!!!!!

did you drop this -> /s?