Anthony Is On "The Stuttering John Podcast" Today

8  2016-08-10 by MilliBotany

Available here. Enjoy.


I'm generally against government interference, but I think they need to do something about all of these has beens and never weres with podcasts. It's out of control.

I can't imagine anyone listens to all these shitty podcasts that are out now. Maybe few hundred, to a couple thousand people per podcast? What's the fucking point? And have you ever heard anyone say their a stuttering John fan? Unless you're Carolla, Rogan, Burr, Maron and a few others just fucking stop. It's out of control and no one's listening.

Jesus why does everyone have a podcast?

Because no one will hire them.

First topic: Niggerless Cage

Pameler Anderson

I totally knew this existed before 12 seconds ago.

Just finished listening. Sounds to me as if he's super desperate

to get the band back together but Tits wants no part of him.

Says he knows for a fact that Opie didn't go to bat for him

with the Sirius brass to try and get him back on the show,

and that it's obvious from what the show's become that he wanted

him gone all along and the Twitter thing was a well-timed gift from God.

Even called Club Soda Kenny "an oaf". lol

I'm sure being a 2-faced lazy cunt didn't help either.

His regular 1 hour monologues about niggers were radio gold I'm sure everyone agrees..

THIS. I was listening to some 09 shows today & it made me sad how funny Ant once was - without all the hate and racism. If the show, for me, was unlistenable there at the end, it was 99% Pocky Face.

knows for a fact

So who's the rat then? Jim? Sam?

I'm sure Anthony has or had his mole(s) seperate from the show staff.

I don't like your formatting or the bullshit you're making up

Sounds to me as if he's super desperate to get the band back together but Tits wants no part of him.

Where on earth do you get that from? Anthony never had any delusions of that

I heard it too. He's "trying to break the ice" "the ball's in Opie's court now " Opie wants no part of naughty Grandpa and he's so fucking done.

Well said. Sad but true, unfortunately.

Stuttering John sucks. He cant be funny with wit, he's just a washed up stuntboy. His last appearance on Artie's show he got all drunk and started making fun of Artie's heroin, dead dad, stabbing, but in a non-funny way - in a drunk and jealous way. Nothing is off the table with these comics, but it has to be funny.

Making fun of dope crosses a line! Got a link?

Until Anthony completes Step 8 and makes ammends to all people including Gregg I wouldnt take him seriously either. He really doesnt come off apologetic or even admit he is an addict. He really must think people are stupid to buy into his half hearted rehab attempt as being serious.

Until he really hits bottom, which one would think losing his million dollar show was, and acts repentant and wants to truly make amends, his reaching out now is only a selfish thing.

Remember that bomb at Big Jay roast about podcasts and making a sound in the woods?

The only way Opie hears any of this is if we tweet it at him. Period. Sniff.

This is exactly the kind of exposure tranmps needs for da show

Sounded like the same old Anthony to me. I liked it. So there.

I think, even though some of what was said today has been said before,

there will be repurcussions on "O & J" from this appearance.

One, because of Ant addressing whether or not Jimmy can swallow his pride

come October and ride it out with a guy he obviously despises,

just for a steady paycheck. And two, because of what John said about his being,

in one moment, the Golden Boy on "O & J", then three months later,

suddenly he's persona non grata, with ZERO explanation from either Opie or Jimmy.

I feel like you are Anthony and this is an extremely desperate attempt at self promotion and to make people see your side of this boring saga... Stuttering John podcast... Jeeezus Chrrrist


Should I listen? Is it a mistake to click on the link?

Nothing new except that Anthony is back to the Opie bashing.

I think you should listen. It's fun to hear Stuttering John & Anthony together!

The what?

Here is the rundown.

"Back when Howard..." "When Howard..." "Howard..." "When I was...."

You people are ridiculous. You (rightfully) bash Opie for his lack of honesty about his beef with Anthony, then you bash Anthony for talking about it honestly.

Why is it impossible that they've both turned into hypocritical hacks?

I don't see how Anthony is being hypocritical in talking about the behind-the-scenes stuff with Opie.

I wasn't saying he was because of that specifically, but he does go back and forth with the trashing depending on how he feels about Opie that day.

I don't think that's the case. I think he's been consistent in his opinion of Opie but with a handful of flare-ups (i.e. Greggshells pts 1 and 2).

The stuff he said to Stuttering John wasn't anything new.

Not all of it, no.

He fluctuates depending on whatever vibe he's getting from Gregg. A few months back during sham rehab and Opie was treating him nicely, it was well wishes and everybody else were the haters.

I didn't hear a ton of anger out of Ant here either.