Listening to the Trashing Twister compilation and its become clear that Opie has never seen the movie

6  2016-08-10 by TheScarletR


He doesn't contribute one original memory of the movie. He either piggy backs a comment Ant made or he takes something from instant feedback. What makes it more annoying is that hes the one who brings it up in some of the clips. One of them they're talking about shitty movies with some guest and Opie goes "well y'know, our favorite one is Twister" and then Anthony and this guest proceed to trash it with Opie not having a single line of substance.


His brain doesn't retain information other than basic cognitive functions.. This is why he can't remember films he's seen. It's also why he's incredibly stupid

NO WAY. He doesn't watch movies. He's bullshitted his way through all of the movie discussion for YEARS.

ME: Finally sat down and watched "Cukoo's Nest", Jimmy. Fuuuuuck, I forgot how GOOD it was.

You never watched it you fuck. Or Godfather. Or any of the other good ones.

Danny confirmed that Opie never saw any of the movies they would routinely quote and discuss, and apparently made no effort to become familiar with them.

Which despite Danny being a sack of shit, I believe.

I actually think its cool of him to share stuff like that, but a bit of a drama queen.

ME: yeah I gotta watch that again sometime but my kids are...ahh it's a who-gives-a fuck thing anyway...whatever...........sniff.

I fucking HATE when he stops mid-sentence to say "ahh, whatever," and then fucking ends up saying it anyway.

I remember during Jimmy's critique of Face Off, Patrice asks Opie: "You seen Face Off?" "Of course!" Other than a generic shot at Nicolas Cage's acting, Dopie doesn't contribute a single comment about the movie.

"F royalty! He takes me out of every movie he's in!!!" (high pitch screechy voice)

*Any movie, other than animated kids films and probably rom-coms with his wife. Instead of spending his free time all those years trying/failing to film a viral video. He could have spent a single weekend watching the 5-10 movies they constantly talked about/quoted. Then again he would have still butchered quotes and ruined any joke.

In this compilation Anthony gives him the setup to the F5 line twice and Opie fucked it up both times where Ant had to improvise to go with it. And then every other clip is someone setting Ant up because he actually knows how to quote a line. Its in chronological order too which makes it hilarious, like Ant gave him a chance and Opie blew it.
