Remember this Louis CK? p.s. Jon Stewart is a massive faggot

3  2016-08-10 by mlovelam


As much as I hate the whole SJW trend, part of me wants it to stick around for a while because I love watching them eat their own.

The thing I hate most is all of a sudden a bunch of people feel like you're either blue-haired SJW or alt-right neo-nazi.


Also, it's a lot of fun being an alt-right neo-nazi.

I'd prefer it if you were an Ctrl Alt Delete not see.


God I love that "stereotypically feminists can't take a joke" line. He lures them right into that trap.

Check out this awful cut. I always thought these were done live from a to b...wonder if they cut an 'n-word' out?

Video has been blocked

Is this the start of when Louis CK stopped being cool to us?

Why, this was great.
