13  2016-08-10 by [deleted]


He just got out of rehab and hes calling out someone else's drug problem. I hate everyone involved.

"He's a drug addled paranoid loser. Alienated EVERYONE."

How this fuckin guy can even type this with a straight face lmao

Yes Ant, but what about Danny.

What a set of balls on this guy, to call someone else out for substance abuse. So delusional, Sad!

Tss, it's like they're both stuck in a fawkin' moment they can't get out of! Play us out, 2U!

Danny is soooo desperate. He has NOTHING going on in his "life"? He hasnt tricked a new group of people into being his friends until a year and a half later they dont return his calls?

The bomb bay doors on the "Enola Gay" are opening ....

After this, either the bomb is dropped or Danny hasn't got shit.

It's easy to find out where he work. Just type in Danny Ross Bar in google

Yup, I looked that shit up when he said to someone "Come find me"

For autographs?

I can't imagine why anyone would want it

They need to settle this in a cage match at Wrestlemania.

Remind Anthony of my A-bomb, he knows what it is


"You're a VIRGIN. Who can't drive."

Watch out "EVERYONE" is in all caps! Thats a large amount of people folks!
