Any classless whores with low self esteem in here?

0  2016-08-09 by Bloodyshitassrip


Yes but I'm a man and not a lot of women take advantage of my whoredom.

Why don't you try r/randomactsofblowjob? They probably have way more of what you're looking for than a sub dedicated to cyberbullying a man with big juicy tits and documenting the slow descent into madness of an alcoholic pedophile and the disgusting behavior of a closet case faux ex-alcoholic who's eeked out a living in show business by shamelessly exaggerating his deviant sexual behaviors.

On a totally unrelated note: I may not be a whore, but if you're looking for low self-esteem, I've been told I can give a blowjob like nobody's business.

What ever happened to that Mudshark?

swimmin in da fuckin ocean or sumthin.


Seems dangerous.