Mark Normand telling Vic Henley he was the "Pete Best of the Blue Collar comedy tour", on Doug Loves Movies this morning, was a great line that deserves some recognition.

15  2016-08-09 by That70smoke

It didn't get much when he said it, but off the cuff referring to Vic as the 5th forgotten Beatle of the Blue collar tour truly made me lol.


That is a pretty funny line. Still not worth listening to a Doug Benson-hosted show though.

realist shit you ever wrote

I tuned in at one point, im not lying or exaggerating, they spent at least 5 minutes possibly 8 or 10 trying to remember the name of some movie and kept goimg "umm..uhhh.hold on i got don't help me uhhhh ummm" sooo bad lol, anyone else catch that?

someone's on the spectrum

I think Mark Normand is a huge Adam Carolla fan

I've heard him straight up steal lines from carolla that I remember from loveline. I have no doubt he listened to loveline as a kid. Just a few examples:

-Using the analogy of "playing ping pong against a curtain" when talking about interacting with someone who gives you nothing back. -An idea for a show about an island of pedophiles called "Pedoph Isle". -Hearing a story about someone who is obviously black and asking if they're Asian. -Saying "all right" after doing a bit in exactly the same way carolla did.

Funniest thing he's ever said.

nobody was listening. Even with opie out they had Normand and Vic on? Holy fuck

Benson did his Doug Loves Movies podcast from the fishbowl and they were guests.
