It's the new softer, SJW Danny Ross. I know that Danny has never said anything racist or attacked people on social media.

12  2016-08-09 by [deleted]



The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a

scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water

off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how

he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve

been found out.”

-Joseph Goebbels

You are blocked from following @DannyJRoss and viewing @DannyJRoss's Tweets. Learn more

Whatever happened to that twitter bot?

It got laid off during the recent storm of shit posts

it most likely got so many rude replies from this subreddit that the creator blacklisted our sub for his bot's sake

I thought Joe meant twitter the company shoul be ashamed of themselves for banning everyone...if he meant the users for attacking her I cant even believe how faggoty hes become. I hope his "black friends" mug and rape him.

I never thought somebody would be so irrelevant that they'd reach out to DeRosa begging for a retweet.

"Hate speech" does not exist in the U.S. It is not a legal concept, it is simply a made up phrase that means nothing concrete. It only means whatever a subjective person intends it to mean. I don't hate Leslie Jones or the Ghostbusters reboot with all the broads. I don't care about that stuff. But, she's been in comedy for decades and I don't take her whole, "I was so offended and saddened by the Twitter trolls" act seriously. It's about money, power, fame. This is a career move for her. She's been touring and grinding away in clubs for most of her career. Now she's on SNL and in Ghostbusters. She hit the big times and she's taking the Amy Schumer empowered victim path. The media loves to prop these people up. And in a way, it's hard to blame her. She could "keep it real" and not take offense, but then she wouldn't be in the news and generating heat. And this Derosa twat, how these people get worked up by Twitter trolls just baffles me. You're a comedian who shits on people for a living and you get offended by anonymous egg accounts who say mean things. It's the definition of hypocrisy.

What did Derosa say? I'm blocked

Twitter should be ashamed of what happened to Leslie Jones.

he was triggered and needs a safe space.

"I will carry on the fight until the last traces of the Jewish-Communist hegemony has been obliterated."

I don't know of a more self righteous bore than DeRosa. He is fucking insufferable.

heah hya hya hyeeeaah!!

I like how these assholes who get called out being assholes suddenly blame 'social media' as a 'breeding ground for hate speech.' No, the majority of social media is benign - people talk about their interests, political stuff, sex, etc. If all your experience with social media involves 'hate speech' then maybe you're the problem. And maybe it's just that people flat out hate you.

Did Danny deploy a "block bot" to stonewall a network of interconnected users who have or had an interest in, or affiliation with, OnA? I did nothing to warrant being blocked other than enjoying a healthy followship with several pests. No nasty @ messages whatsoever. It's possible I starred something that disparaged him but I honestly feel my character deserves the benefit of the doubt.

I see a buddy movie in this. The Kike and the Cuck.



*Tricks retard into eating his asshole hair. Racism is bad I have no leg to stand on.

Jews and Arabs finally at peace, we solved the middle east crises by being dicks to everyone without bias. Shalom

Yuck, read Derosa's tweets with this Mike guy. What a fucking woman Derosa is. "You're the kind of person Patrice would have hated." Who gives a shit. Derosa's a fucking egomaniac who apparently thinks that us nothings just always seek celebrity approval.

Because I'm not a racist that makes me a SJW?


I kinda think Danny is mocking Derosa here?