Bad Santa 2 is coming out this Thanksgiving. Any fans of the first here?

17  2016-08-09 by Anarchorenegade


Doug Stanhope's mom, but she won't be seeing the sequel.

Oh she's up there watching. How else did she buy Doug and all his friends so many nice things from the Sky Mall catalog?

Oh! You shouldn't say that! His mom actually passed away

No coen bros, no zwigoff, it's gonna suck hard. I don't even want to watch the trailer

Exactly. Director of "Mr Poppers Penguins". Doug Ellin, writer/creator of Entourage worked on the screenplay. & a comedy sequel 13years after the original? It's going to suck. Bully Bob already tried to cash in on that character with the "bad news bears" remake & that was a disaster

Maybe I'm just a faggot for Linklater, but I thought Bad News Bears was a good adaptation of the original, which I am a fan of. It's also far superior to any of the Bad News Bears sequels.

Yea that must be the reason cuz the Bad News Bears remake has gotta be one of the worst remakes of all time

How so?

Yup, its fate is sealed. Doomed to be a pale imitation of the classic original.


They did rewrites on the original's script, also got producer credits

Bernie Mac and John Ritter are long dead, yet the black midget is alive and well. I thought midgets had hamster lifespans. If true hopefully Peter Dinklage is also able to buck the trend.

We still need Dinklage for at least 2 more seasons. He has to help the Khaleesi to the Iron Throne before his guts grow to big for his tiny body, and he dies a horriffic painful death.

Have some class. Midgets are people too, tiny, kickable...But they are people.

Dinklage deserves to die for being part of a show that tanked to hard...who even gives a fuck if she "takes the iron throne" anymore. Its been put into the hands of two awful hacks and will not be nearly what it could have been.

they needed to reboot it with all female cast

I have to say I did enjoy the first one.

Same here. But If they're making a reboot they really shoulda recast it with Mel Gibson as the Bad Santa. Id love to see him play an alcoholic lowlife in a Santa suit ranting about the Jews and calling women glum cunts.

Seen the first in theatres and loved it and watch it once a year with family

Loved the first.

I hope they live up to the crudity and filthyness I expect.

If Leslie Jones shows up I will rape Billy Bob in the back of a mid 80's model hatchback.

You know the midget is going to wind up with Leslie Jones.

This one has a candy corn in it....

Well they can't all be winners, can they?

I loved the first one. It took them so long to make this one, though, that I have a feeling its going to be shit. Like Billy Bob Thornton finally committed to another one because he's got nothing else in his career.

Its definitely not going to be the same without John Ritter and Bernie Mac.

Bad Santa is a classic Christmas film

I used to watch Bad Santa all the time, it was one of my favorite comedies as a teenager.

Yeah, the first one was very funny.

" I'll stick you in my ass "

First one was very good.

Didn't Tony Cox die in it though?

You turned on me and tried to kill me but no hard feelings bro.

Tony Cox

Him and his mail order wife were arrested.

I thought the cops gunned them both down.


You might be thinking of Bernie Mac's character. Pinned up against the car.

They all look alike, even if one's a midget.

Loved the first one. I wish they wouldn't make a second, it won't be as good as the first.

Yeah, but didn't you see the titties in the trailer? There's going to be titties.

Is that frumpy Hawaiian chick going to be in it again?

Ah man I forgot they were making this. There's no way it'll come anywhere close to the original. I'm just hoping it isn't a complete embarrassment, but it'll probably suck a dick.


I never understood the appeal with this movie.

First one was great, but I can't see this being any good.

Just another Hollywood Corporation raping our childhoods.

I liked the 1st one. Pretty rewatchable, too.

Looks like this new one has Kathy Bates in it. I kinda like Kathy Bates. We'll see...


It looks horrendous. The first had a silly charm to it and the pig was adorable.


Joe Dirt 2 Sucked.

Zoolander 2 Sucked.

Bad Santa 2 is going to suck.

So Joe Dirt 1 was good?

Joe Dirt 1 was fucking awesome.

Joe dirt fucking sucks you fucking bag of shit faggot.

That's Joe Dirte to you, fucknuts.

First one was great, doubt this one will be but I have hope for it.

The first one is genuinely funny and one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Worried about this one.

The first one is one of the best comedies of this century. I really hate how popular comedies are getting sequels over a decade or two later and they've all been absolute shit. The sequels to Anchorman, Zoolander, Joe Dirt, and Dumb and Dumber are horrific. I hope this one will break the trend but I doubt it.

cant believe you guys are doing a movie break.
What are some of your favorite hits from the 90s? Top 5 breakfest cereal guys...
What are some great new video games coming out? fucking losers. everyone in this thread should be buried naked and alive in a mass grave.

the first one was shit, you're shit, kill yourself.

Yea that must be the reason cuz the Bad News Bears remake has gotta be one of the worst remakes of all time