A humble fan theory about Danny and Ant

74  2016-08-08 by AccidentalRenaissanc

I have absolutely no evidence to back this up but I would bet money that there has been at least one instance where Danny and Ant were the only ones at 'the compound' and were both very drunk and that led to them experimenting with same-sex relations.

Whenever I go back and listen to Ant and Danny interact, there's a palpable sexual tension and it sounds like two men who share a dark secret with one another, forming a homoerotic bond that only closeted men like Vito Spatafore from the Sopranos could understand.

"I love you Danny cakes"


I really have no idea about your fan theory regarding them being gay, but they are definitely both giant faggots.

Buzz was a man. Joe Cumia Snr sold young Anth to him just after his 13th birthday. Buzz had already fucked Joe Jnr into permanent prolapsed retardation and demanded a replacement.

Anth has told this story a dozen times on-air.

I read your post in the voice of Rorschach from Watchmen. Hrmph.


(I don't think Rorschach swears. He'd consider it degenerate.)

(Wow, Alan Moore is a fucking visionary. He predicted the rise of the alt. right 30 years ago! At the end of the comic Rorschach even mails his 'case notes' to a magazine that could be Breitbart.)

Well I know what I'm jerking off to when I get home.

Testing, testing, 123.... I'm back!

Thank God, now we can all sleep soundly tonight

If this isn't sarcasm then you're welcome.

If this isn't sarcasm

Wew lad

Pekkas an eggs nigga

Love you sbk!

Love you too Sir.

The evidence mounts

If I had to guess Ant mounts.

shedosntduanethig? (tweedles pinky)

I don't think there was ever real contact, but they definitely jacked with one another. Maybe lent each other "a helping hand".

All that booze and pent up sexual energy, no way something didn't happen.

This would explain why a "millionaire" would be interested in dating an E.T. Looking half drowned water rat... She had the same name as his secret gay lover.

I believe it.

carlton teenmachine knows a mo when he sees one

Takes one to know one.

I'll have to write some erotic gay fan-fiction about this.

gay fan-fiction

No need to be redundant.

they pig roasted Francine once

Nah I think Danny just used to buy his coke for him.

Perhaps Danny was producing an erection in Anthony's pants.

That's disgusting.

Go on.

I don't know who wrote that gay fanfic a while ago but we need him again

I'm just glad Anthony finally stuck his dick into something that wasn't under 17

But still over 6 million

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard and you should be ashamed of urself for posting it. There was NO Experimenting! It's called Practice and or routine. Get it right!

Shit, I forgot you can't perform experiments on something that's already been peer reviewed and accepted as law.

Just listening to Fez vs LoS and the only person who mocked Fez's sexuality without incurring his wrath was Anthony. Per Fez, "That's okay, I know Anthony". Of course this is evidence that Ant confided his struggles with the closet to Fez.

that's okay, I know Anthony

Oh boy..

I don't know if this is the most accurate theory, but it is definitely the most boner-inducing, and therefore best, theory presented so far

I think you might be on to something.

That's what he said.

lol lol

I always just guessed Danny banged Ant's girl/tranny/boy friend.

Lmao love the vito reference

Let's see...Danny wants Cumia dead, has an A-Bomb, that is so devastating that he wishes it was made up, and even after Cumia humiliated him publicly, he still won't drop it = Gay Sex with Nazi/Jew Roleplay.

Maybe it was about....Danny?

Maybe it was about...him!

who would be top?

Ant is too meek and admittedly (on air) scared of conflict to ever top properly. He's a definite closet bottom but with his passive-aggressive style of conflict resolution, he would definitely try to 'top' from the bottom until Danny smacks the back of his head and tells him to remember his place

Remember when ant told Danny he had an ass like a black woman

"He's asking if It still itches.. the poison ivy?"

"Ah, I'm draggin' a bunch a' fuckin' ghouls around with me and Mikey is their fuckin' ringleader!"


"so when Ant cornered you in the porta-potty after Danny the security guard was done blowin him...." "wait wait, it was the other way around...Ant was blowing Danny the security guard..."



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Ant will never share our "secrets" just keep on dreaming buddy. You'll never know about the children delivered in the early AM by The "Love Hunter".. You won't hear how Joe used to come over and leave his mouth slightly agape just waiting for one of those little munchkins to fill it with sweet sweet happiness. He won't tell you about the times he asked me to dress up like a boy trying to be a girl that looked like a boy trying to be a girl.. You're not going to hear about his thick Tunisian cock pressed up against my face.. soaked in sweat from a recent back alley twitter fight with one of "those" people. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.. I"M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU PEOPLE ABOUT ANY OF THAT OK?!?!?!?!?!?

Well I don't see either of them denying it...

Are you Danny or Anthony in this fantasy?


Danny is a troll POS that wants you to harass him.. He consistently pushes back for no reason other then to beg the response.. Treat him accordingly hes a worthless pleb

My personal theory: it's all fake, Ant hired Danny to dig info on people here who may be willing to lets say contact Danny directly (and give up some anonymity) to get dirt on Ant.. I smell fake bullshit from a mile away. Sure there was legitimate bad blood between Ant and Danny on the air near the end, but I don't even think that was all that bad and Danny magically showed up right when this sub started shitting on Ant and especially Joe.

If this isn't sarcasm

Wew lad