Forget the tits and baldness, Opie is starting to look downright scary

17  2016-08-08 by chrb13


Haha that @baldopie is so talen.... Wait that's not baldopie!!!!

Baldopie is no longer needed at this point.

We need CorpseOpie now.

There's no way Lynsi likes fucking that, that money hungry hoe

He's slowly becoming a hobgoblin. If only he really did lose his hair.

He looks like you just got beat in Street Fighter 2 and have to put in another quarter.

It's Michael Caine!

"lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes..."

Nah he coulda been a model nice try with the hate though

He looks like a Newcomer from Alien Nation

A sack of potatoes possesses more talent than that piece of shit. What a joke that this humorless fuck sits there and makes millions doing it.

opie is too proud to get treated for his low t

Is that a shadow or a gravy stain on his shirt?


Opie has stared into the abyss, and the abyss said "How are ya?" right back.

How long until he is doing Flomax commercials? Opie's definitely sporting a weak stream.

I certainly will not forget the tits.

I apologize for even asking. They are looking particularly luscious these days.


To be fair he is over 50.

He has a dropoff from where his face fat ends to where the side of his head begins