35 days til the big debut and Justchins Stangel is looking svelte

36  2016-08-08 by RamonFrunkis


Pete Davidson nailed it with "fat Danny zuko"

Goofy-ass Fred Flintstone-lookin motherfucker....

He's the fonz mixed with Fred Flintstone

There's a LOT going on in that picture....Justchins looking longingly at Harry for approval (the way he used to with Tits)...Harry already putting Justchins on the Pay No Mind List...Eric pretending nothing could possibly go wrong...and WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ON THE OTHER END???

I can speak as a former fatty when I say that when you're a fatty don't bother trying to look good in clothing. Nobody thinks you look good cause you're a fatty fat ass, they're just thankful that you're not naked and breathing your cheese and lard panini breath near them from your third breakfast of the morning you fat fuck.

Where does pre-breakfast fit into all of this?

Is that you? I'll suck the cum out your ass if it is.

Don't you get girls in your parents basement at the gated retirement community you live at?

Girls? No. Women? Yes. Full-on Brasilian half breeds with blue eyes and brown ass.

Have you ever fucked in 120 degrees? It's amazing. Primal, loud and life-affirming. Bitches and their bodily fluids, I tell yer.

I've only recently learned to let myself go when fucking. I mean truly to let all thoughts fade and just to " feel the fuck " as Sir Jimmy Saville once famously said.


Oh it just clicked.. Your infected with toxicplasmosis.. Like most of the population in that dirty country.. I take back every hurtful thing iv ever said about you..

You're quite right. I will say this though:


That poor, poor fucking zipper


That image was photoshopped. Here's the original: http://i.imgur.com/PfC71Sn.png

His neck is ISIS-proof

I liked this one a lot.

You had me at Justchins

The fuck is that...THING on the right?!

David Lynch and Anderson Cooper

He literally said "I'm not fat" on one of the shows.

"I'm not that big!!"

Only relative to planetary bodies.

Not that tall, maybe.

Those 2 are so fucking creepy

I hope he donates his body to science after an obesity related disease claims his soul. He is such an odd shape.

I don't know why, but I hate the Stangels. They never did anything to me but I just hate them. Pair of uncooked Jews.

I hope Harry Connick Jnr fucks his wife after a boozey dinner party, while chubs sits on the corner of the softly bouncing bed wearing his back to the future clothes and crying.

Go on....


He looks like a piece of shit that came out of Danny Devito's ass

Ohhh you're such a sassy bitch.

These guys need to pick better coattails

Fred Flinstein

He looks like a goomba.

I hate fat Bela Lugosi and his Sharpie hair.

Fuckin obese Harold Ramis with his 54 inch waist skinny jeans.

I want to hate them, but I can't thank them enough for the gift of Connicktober.

No he's not, he looks like fat Elvis.

Stop lying.

What is this, a Bar Mitzvah?

Chocolate bar mitzvah

He's repugnant.



What a blob.



That's the poster for Automatic weapons to be legal worldwide. ...

I told you it was going to be a problem....

Ugh, this pussy.

Is this them at comic con ?


Dude is an embarrassment to his family and friends.

The fact that these guys keep getting paid millions to create "comedy" TV shows despite the fact that they aren't even a little bit funny is just further proof that Hollywood is run by retards.

As far as I can figure, there are 3 possible reasons they keep getting work: 1) Hollywood is so risk-averse that the fact that they wrote for 1 successful show 30 years ago is enough for producers to pick them over vastly more talented but unknown writers, 2) they have organizational skills that true creatives lack and in the past have used this to take credit for others' work when dealing with other more powerful Jews, 3) the Jews running Hollywood will give a talentless Jew his 65th show/chance at failure/$3mil development deal before they'll give a legitimately talented goy his first, and they'd rather let these Jews create their 50th show that'll get cancelled after 2 weeks than let a Kurt Metzger create a $50k Web series (unless Metzger is also a Jew, or "crypto-Jew", as we say here on r/opieandanthony, in which case, Heil Hitler). I mean, Ari Shaffir has a TV show that is literally clips of other standups' material. His business model is literally getting other, funnier comics to let him record their material and broadcast it for little or no compensation, while Ari racks up producer and director and writer credits on Comedy Central's dime.

How low can the Jew go? Jerry Springer and Howard Stern (both fellow tribesmen) made millions plumbing the depths of crass indecency, and that was still less gross and insulting than Stangels' body of work. Or their body of fat.

If you enjoyed this post, you can read more analysis like this over on Stormfront in my weekly "Jews and Views" column, "Hebrews and She exaggerated the Holocaust"

I didn't. You need to use the word "Jew" more frequently.

Well I think you're being sarcastic, and let me tell you, on behalf of all of us here on r/opieandanthony, there is no place for your sarcasm here, and I'd advise you to take it somewhere else on reddit where such things are tolerated, thank you very much.

I love you. Please forgive me.

Unless this is a workplace sitcom starring Harry Hater, I think I speak for all of us when I say, "No, thank you!"

This is going to be a problem.

If you drew the Stangels, people would get angry at you for making Nazi propaganda.

I didn't. You need to use the word "Jew" more frequently.