Ant on Jerry Lawler domestic abuse charge

3  2016-08-07 by Lilcumia


Zero fucking responsibility for anything, including his 1997 high school junior wardrobe.

He's dressed like Jonah Hill in Superbad

Why are you so obsessed with his life to the point where you're offended by him "not taking responsibility" you sound like you wanna fuck him

Do you think I'm pretty enough?

Having not watched a clip in a few weeks/months, Anthony looks to have aged multiple years. You can't deny that kind of stress. He's resorted to reading news stories in his basement, with 1 half hearted impression and a short chortle at a line in the story. That was what he added to it... its not possible to be funny when you're paranoid AND a target.

Ant looks fucking horrendous in this video, even for him.

He looks bloated and grey


The ass goes: re-tin-tin-tin-ting

I don't know who this 66-year-old Jerry Lawlor is but why does he look 20 years younger than Ant?

I'm not saying he looks 46, I'm just saying he looks 20 years younger than Ant.

This depressed the fuck out of me

Wasn't PFG-TV better than this?

its 10 min shit someone pls listen and report back

Not that horrible.

66 years old with a 27-year-old? Sounds like Anthony's jealous.

Why would he be jealous of a washed up leather-face nailing a chick 40 years his junior? You can't envy yourself.

He's dressed like Jonah Hill in Superbad

Why are you so obsessed with his life to the point where you're offended by him "not taking responsibility" you sound like you wanna fuck him