Guys we need to stop insulting Ant, he really needs help.

111  2016-08-07 by adorableboysyndrome


Jesus, he looks at least 10 years younger here.

He will always be our Princess.

Looks like Princess Diana's excavated corpse.....and Ant, of course.

Atleast link the article dude. I love clickbait

I hate those articles, one showed the hot sister from fresh prince looking like a ghoul, so I flipped through all them and she wasn't even on their fucking list

Is this the picture you're referring to?

I know I recognize her but couldn't remember where she's from. Fresh Prince still doesn't sound right tho.

Anyone know her name?

Lisa Bonet from the Cosby Show and A Different World.

Yeah that's the exact one, but yeah now that I think of it in not sure it is fresh prince

Yeah those clickbait articles do that shit all the time

Lisa Bonet, from The Cosby Show.

Holyshit haha

She hasn't exactly aged gracefully; but she's really not bad.

And she has been married to Jason Momoa for 9 years.

Wikipedia tells me she is 48 years old, so I would consider her to have aged gracefully. Especially when compared to the clickbait articles version of her.

Fair point.

She looks pretty fucking good..she's got to be at least 40 now too.

That other link put a side by side pic of this Lisa Bonet from Cosby-era vs a black Sandy Kane w/ a boob job...with headline "check out the 21 celebs who have aged into horrible creatures".

I mean...hahaha, what the fuck isnwrong with these clickbait authors. I've heard this place characterized as an asylum for evil garbage people...but clickbait authors might be worse.

She's 48.

And i really thought they were implying that was her. I'm slow sometimes.


Not really mate. I'd put her at a solid six, or a four-pinter.

He needs help, no time for technicalities

I saw him on faces of "Meh"

How about a link, shitdick?

How about a shit, linkdick

Stalker Antny

This isn't funny anymore.


I wanna see that ho on the bottom



good god he really does look like that ghoul.

Spot on.

We have no effect on thier lives.

Joe Cumia said so.

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