I've been asleep for 12 hours.. wtf is going on with this kike Danny?

4  2016-08-07 by [deleted]



Someone grabbed him by his horns and threw him down a well.

Really unfunny and pathetic bitch drama between two balding gross Armenian Horse Fuckers

DANNY is proving that he is NOT INSANE by OBSESSIVELY posting on the BOARD he claims to have QUIT several times!!!!

It is going SWIMMINGLY!!!!

Seems like His stalker has made an appearance so everyone is just pulling up front row seats to the battle of a bitter Jewish failure versus a true psychopathic stalker

How do YOU know that DANNY'S STALKER is JEWISH???

He doesn't cast a reflection in mirrors


Me trying to be a dumb machine? What are you talking about, I am a human being?

Lol thanks fam

I mean....for the record- it was Halloween.

For the record, you looked a bit faggy, just sayin fam

So nobody wants to post a summary? Don't sue me, these are all questions not statements and I am definitely not saying anythings true, just a summary of what I've read on about 30 different threads.

Is this an accurate summary of what has happened the last 24 hours or so? If I'm reading right, it looks like allegedly Danny made an allegedly shifty and vague statement about Bobo's sister 16 year old sister allegedly swimming in Ants pool maybe implying there was allegedly unacceptable behavior, and that some dude who allegedly had forcible sex with a 13 year old allegedly drove her there (who is that supposed to allegedly be?). Then someone else allegedly sums it up without the vague/implying language and Danny allegedly made the mods take that down, and allegedly threatening libel because alledgedly its not what he said. Everyone thought it was a fake Danny but now the consensus is it's the real Danny and allegedly the mods verified this somehow.

And supposedly or allegedly there's an A-Bomb Danny hasn't dropped yet but no one knows what it is. And is there also somewhere that allegedly Danny said he's fucking Dani? Haven't spotted that, but there are plenty of comments mentioning it. Allegedly.


You are soo getting sued bro



fixd it

I like Danny. He's funny. He brings us the drama we rely on as gossiping hens.

Joe Cumia is a dim witted leach.

I agree, I'm #teamdanny

He's working the morning shift at Dennys

Danny was attacked by a smaller, swarthy person wielding a machete who was seen leaving the crime scene in an Escalade. Doesn't look good for Danny.

Rest in piss Danny.

People are pretending someone is Danny and dummy Anthony fell for it

Mods verified it was him, so unless they're in on the joke too, it's actually real. Can't decide which scenario is more pathetic

Mods verified it around 3am gmt dude... You were sleeping ...It's him

Oh. This place has mods?

Danny the Jew ross is threatening to sue but also calling people out like he can fight. Saying everyone on here is fat. I spent last night working legs, meanwhile this faggot was triggered and shitposting on this "fat loser neckbeard" sub.

I watched fight club and enter the dragon.. That kike better watch out

working legs

Do real man stuff like cutting firewood all day, building shit or work on a service rig and you won't have to go to a gym.

I'm a welder. Work with steel and I lift.

Shut up Flashdance ya fuckin queer


"That's a good, honest response, Fez."

*welder's helper

Ant talked more shit publicly. Danny responded saying he could air some dirty laundry as well. So, of course Danny is the asshole again. And this is after months of this sub blowing him, even though they hated him for years.

Of course to many here, that never happened.

what did ant say?

They talked about his stint at rockstar. Basically costing him future work by airing dirty laundry.

Danny cost himself future work a decade ago. The guy has a horrible attitude problem and track record of being terminated from nearly every mediocre job he's ever had.

why do you pander to everyone who hates ant so much? did he molest your little sister or sumfin

He did it for the subreddit.

Why the fuck would i answer an aussie? I have some standers.


standards that's the one.

i was genuinely curious, but avoiding the question also works

I'm not pandering to danny. I never jumped on the "praise" danny phase this sub was in and now that it's switched again I'm pointing it out.

This man is doing us a service. I thank him for that. Carry on.


Nothing, because it's not Danny. lol